A few years ago my friend Amy told her son to hold still while she got a "sleepy seed" out of the corner of his eye. I thought that was a great term for the crusty little bugger and started using it myself.
This morning R1 got up at 6AM. She had had a late night last night playing Wii with mom, so I told her to get her pillow and climb back into bed with me and go back to sleep for a while. Her reply- "I can't mom. I already wiped the sleepy seeds out of my eyes." Love her!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
God is on my side
OK, this isn't going to be what you expect...but I think that it is worth remembering! The house is a wreck. Now, I know that many of you are not surprised at this, and truthfully I pretty much threw up my hands today and refused to pick up anything as "I wasn't the one who made the mess!" So there! God apparently glanced in my direction today and decided that I needed a little support. So....for the first time in a long time my precious pooch decided that he had a need to pee in the house. And he did. Apparently God gave me the day off today because he foresaw this happening. What do I mean, you ask? Well, the dog peed on a mess of papers that I had refused to pick up and that dandy little pile of trash completely saved the floor! Good doggie! (Thanks, God!)
Lower Village Chapel
Rachel's tonsils
Rachel asked that I take some pics of her operation so she could see what she looked like. Turns out that it was very interesting as she has no memory of the aftermath at all! She was such a trooper! Very impressive to the nurses and I have to give a big thumbs up to the anesthesiologist who told her a story of a princess all the way from pre-op until she fell asleep. Not even a hint of anxiety on her part. It was amazing. (oh, and thank goodness for the dvd player and Scooby-Doo!)
Sunday, September 20, 2009
My artist
Fishing with Rachel
Dad went and got his fishing license and took Ben and Rachel fishing at Manahan Park. Ben wasn't impressed and spent his time exploring and doing other things, dad was the official worm-hooker and caught, ahem, nothing......but Rachel?? Miss Fishing Pro caught 6 fish! She was so happy and daddy was very proud. Happily, she threw them all back.
My Dad
My dad has had a tough time of it the past week or two. Started out with a UTI, then went to dehydration and kidney stones, then to severe kidney injury, hypertention and he rounded it out with type 2 diabetes. We have all been so worried. I had the opportunity to go down last Saturday and visit with him in the hospital. His eyes looked so sick. His voice was soft and his breathing labored. He spoke slowly and although he was able to carry on a conversation, you could tell he was just exhausted. His color was ashen, he was relieved to lay down and I had to help him with the blankets and cover his feet.
How did I suddenly become the caretaker?? I heavy feeling settled in my chest as I watched him and it still makes me teary as I sit here.
My dad. My caretaker, my protector, my cheerleader. You have to know him to fully appreciate him. He could talk to a post and makes friends with everyone he meets. He is involved--- in the church, in the neighborhood, with friends and family. He has never backed down from a challenge and always puts his best foot forward. He is always there to support me, from the littlest thing to those great big life-changing events. He is the best Bumpa, Pa and Grampa on the planet. His love for his family is genuine and goes to his core. He would do anything to help anyone--and he often does. He leads by example and has been a wonderful role model as a parent.
But....Did I mention that he has a bit of a history with injuries and sickness? He needs to be watched like a hawk because you never know what he is going to do next. It is not that he is careless, or clumsy. He just gets so into doing whatever it is that needs to be done that his feet get ahead of the rest of him and he seems to land on his butt. A lot. lol But that is just him, ya know? It is just his quirk. Usually we just help him recouperate, then tease him unmercifully and move on while keeping an eye out for his next adventure.
I will have to say that this time he went a bit too far, though. I was really scared. I got a glimpse of him as he may look in 20 years and I wasn't thrilled to see him in that light. It was a little too real, if you know what I mean.
So this is for you, dad. Please know how much you mean to all of us, and how big a part of our lives you are. Walk carefully, take your medicine, and listen to mom (hahaha) We want you to stay healthy for many years to come. <3
How did I suddenly become the caretaker?? I heavy feeling settled in my chest as I watched him and it still makes me teary as I sit here.
My dad. My caretaker, my protector, my cheerleader. You have to know him to fully appreciate him. He could talk to a post and makes friends with everyone he meets. He is involved--- in the church, in the neighborhood, with friends and family. He has never backed down from a challenge and always puts his best foot forward. He is always there to support me, from the littlest thing to those great big life-changing events. He is the best Bumpa, Pa and Grampa on the planet. His love for his family is genuine and goes to his core. He would do anything to help anyone--and he often does. He leads by example and has been a wonderful role model as a parent.
But....Did I mention that he has a bit of a history with injuries and sickness? He needs to be watched like a hawk because you never know what he is going to do next. It is not that he is careless, or clumsy. He just gets so into doing whatever it is that needs to be done that his feet get ahead of the rest of him and he seems to land on his butt. A lot. lol But that is just him, ya know? It is just his quirk. Usually we just help him recouperate, then tease him unmercifully and move on while keeping an eye out for his next adventure.
I will have to say that this time he went a bit too far, though. I was really scared. I got a glimpse of him as he may look in 20 years and I wasn't thrilled to see him in that light. It was a little too real, if you know what I mean.
So this is for you, dad. Please know how much you mean to all of us, and how big a part of our lives you are. Walk carefully, take your medicine, and listen to mom (hahaha) We want you to stay healthy for many years to come. <3
Just wanted to post a few of Becca's favorte words/habits to remember:(she is 18 months)
Tink you!
She loves to dance and ROAR to the Dinosaurs song by Laurie Berkner.
She wants to rock in the rocker for a couple minutes and snuggle before you put her
down to bed.
She is already trying to take her clothes off all the time.
She loves the water and will race you to the shower in the morning.
When I count to three for behavior mod for the other kids, she counts to three with me (one, two, threeeeeeeeee!) Thanks, Becca. Big help *rolls eyes*
She weighed 29 lbs and was 36.25 inches tall at her appt. last week. WOW!
She wears 24mos/2T clothes and size 6-7 shoes.
She is my sugar plum.
Anything Ben can do, she will try to do just as well.
She likes to stand on the coffee table and do trust falls forward into your arms (but she doesn't always wait for you to be looking!! Yikes!)
She refuses to wear a diaper and has been in pull-ups for a month.
She asks for her vitamin every morning and would eat toothpaste if you let her.
Her smile lights up her face and the whole room. Just beautiful!
She bites. (Gotta take the good with the bad, right?)
She tries to answer the phone and has had so much success that I had to put it in a cabinet!
She is gentle with the dog and when she calls him and claps her hands he comes.
She loves "this little piggie" and "trot trot to Boston" and will have you play them over and over and over......
She is my littlest princess and I love her and am so glad she calls me Mom. <3
Tink you!
She loves to dance and ROAR to the Dinosaurs song by Laurie Berkner.
She wants to rock in the rocker for a couple minutes and snuggle before you put her
down to bed.
She is already trying to take her clothes off all the time.
She loves the water and will race you to the shower in the morning.
When I count to three for behavior mod for the other kids, she counts to three with me (one, two, threeeeeeeeee!) Thanks, Becca. Big help *rolls eyes*
She weighed 29 lbs and was 36.25 inches tall at her appt. last week. WOW!
She wears 24mos/2T clothes and size 6-7 shoes.
She is my sugar plum.
Anything Ben can do, she will try to do just as well.
She likes to stand on the coffee table and do trust falls forward into your arms (but she doesn't always wait for you to be looking!! Yikes!)
She refuses to wear a diaper and has been in pull-ups for a month.
She asks for her vitamin every morning and would eat toothpaste if you let her.
Her smile lights up her face and the whole room. Just beautiful!
She bites. (Gotta take the good with the bad, right?)
She tries to answer the phone and has had so much success that I had to put it in a cabinet!
She is gentle with the dog and when she calls him and claps her hands he comes.
She loves "this little piggie" and "trot trot to Boston" and will have you play them over and over and over......
She is my littlest princess and I love her and am so glad she calls me Mom. <3
My oldest has recently discovered a new freedom. I have been allowing her to walk down to Kristopher and James's house, or up to Abby and Aiden's house to have playdates afterschool for an hour. She has also enjoyed taking her bike down to Amy's and riding with them in the street (CAR!). The topper came on Friday, though, when she asked if she could ride her bike to Steven's house. A mile away. Up a couple small hills. Sure! If you want to try then go for it! She went for it and she did it! I was thrilled. Steven was pretty impressed to see her riding up the street, too, lol. (Did I mention that I drove behind her in the van the whole way with the flashers on?) What an accomplishment :)
First day of school

My little man is off to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He LOVES it!! And the best part? The bus of all things. His driver's name is Claire and she is a grandmother and an absolute sweetie. He grabs his lunchbox every morning and asks, "Me bus, mom? Me backpack?" Big frown if I have to tell him to wait until tomorrow. His teachers say he is doing very well and currently he is one of 5 boys in the class- no girls. I can't say enough about how proud I am to see him still so tiny yet so enthused about going to school. My handsome boy.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Such a Blessed Event!
I am soooo excited!! I thought my dream would never come true, but if you don't lose faith and pray hard enough then God will bless you with the ultimate....oh, I can't even think of the right word I am just so happy!! Days, weeks, months...dare I say that I have wished for this for the past year?? So psyched!!
Ready?? Here goes.............he peed in the potty!! Like IN the potty!! Not on the grass....not in the pool.....not on a tree.....not in a puddle on the floor......IN THE POTTY!! Woo hoo! This may actually happen my friends!!
I know you told me not to lose faith....I know that boys take longer....I know that the majority of children do not go to Kindergarden in diapers but geesh! This was a tough one. What a sense of victory!
I made Rachel and Rebecca come over and we danced and high fived. Rachel was like WTH, it was about 1 second worth of stuff and most of it is on the seat. Blah--do you know how much we used to dance for Her?? Too funny. I even called Chad and he cheered and clapped over the phone.
*deep satisfied breath*. Life is getting better and better everyday!!
And how is your day going??
Ready?? Here goes.............he peed in the potty!! Like IN the potty!! Not on the grass....not in the pool.....not on a tree.....not in a puddle on the floor......IN THE POTTY!! Woo hoo! This may actually happen my friends!!
I know you told me not to lose faith....I know that boys take longer....I know that the majority of children do not go to Kindergarden in diapers but geesh! This was a tough one. What a sense of victory!
I made Rachel and Rebecca come over and we danced and high fived. Rachel was like WTH, it was about 1 second worth of stuff and most of it is on the seat. Blah--do you know how much we used to dance for Her?? Too funny. I even called Chad and he cheered and clapped over the phone.
*deep satisfied breath*. Life is getting better and better everyday!!
And how is your day going??
Thursday, July 16, 2009
McGuyver Strikes Again!
Chad was cutting down trees in the backyard last week and Rachel came up with the great idea to make a fort. She horded branches and then asked for help trying to get them to stand up and make a cave. I tried, I really did, but no go. So I called to Chad AKA McGuyver and asked him to take a break and help us out. He looked around the yard and literally using metal tubing scraps off the ground made this wonderful fort. Thanks, Dad!
My Day in Court
Everyone has their day in court, or should have their day in court, or something like that....right? Well, today was mine.
I arrived early wearing a pair of black capris and a turquoise sweater with gold hoop earrings. My nice leather sandals on my feet. I was charged with allowing my dog to run loose which is contrary to RSA something-or-another:II.
Hillsboro Police Officer McCallister came in and asked for anyone from Hillsboro to meet briefly with him. As I came into the room he asked why I was there. I told him that my dog had chased a motorcycle.
He looked at me like he expected me to go on....I shrugged and said, "that's it." "Ah," he said. "The woman with the dog." "That's me" I replied. He pulled out the file folder and opened it on the table. "Chadwick?!" he said. "Yes" I said. *(wheels turning in his brain....* "You don't live on Second NH Turnpike, do you?" he says with a look of confusion. "The one and only" was my reply. He lets out a breath, starts to roll his eyes and he shakes his head like he can't believe that he is the chosen one who has to stand in court and say this idiotic thing about one of Hillsboro's finest citizens (which is very accurate, BTW).
Then he kinda remembers that he is supposed to be more professional than that and says, "OK, why don't you tell me what happened" So I did. And he said "That's it?" And I said, "um hmmm". He said, "it only mentions one day on this warrant. Has it happened since?" "No" He pursed his lips and nodded. "OK, here is what I would like to do...how about we put this on file for 6 months with no fines or other consequences barring any repeat behavior during that time." I gave him a thumbs up. *big smile*
So into court we go. I sit and listen to a drug charge, a drunk driving charge and a failure to pay money due charge. Then they call me to the defendant's table. I stand there as the woman reads the charges against me and the judge says "how do you plead?" At this point Off. McCallister stood and said that he would like to put it on file...yadda, yadda....he then went on to say that he has known "the Chadwicks" for a long time and was sure that we would make sure that it wouldn't happen again. So nice of him to add that in! Gave me a boost for the day :) So the judge agreed and said that that is what he would do, wrote a few things and then told me that I was free to go and to have a good day. I said, "Thank you!" and beat feet! Whew!!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Ya Should Have Heard Me
OMG there is nothing like a good friend to get you out of a bad mood. To say that I have been overwhelmed recently may be a bit of an understatement. When Jody called to say that she and Paula were coming up on Monday it was pretty much the straw that broke the camel's back. She could hear the stress in my voice as I told her, "Great. Can't wait." and thought about how I now had to find the time to clean the house in between finishing the billing, building the float for the parade, etc., etc.
On Monday they arrived. It really was great! The parade was over, the checks were pouring in and all my bills had been paid. The house wasn't nearly as neat as I would have liked it, but I was finally in a good mood. We had a really nice visit. Thank God for old friends.
Now onto the adventure......It was lunch time and one of the things I hadn't fit in was grocery shopping, so we ordered pizza. Jody graciously dangled the keys to her brand new black LeSabre convertible and suggested that they would stay with the kids and I could go and pick up lunch.
Picture it. I couldn't get out fast enough. I move the seat back, adjust the mirrors, run my fingers through my hair...I am ready to roll. Down Saw Mill Road I go, through the light at 202 and pull into Yanni's lot. I am styling! This was how it should be. Ohhh yeeeaaaaah.
I get the pizzas (surprise, three free soda's, too!) It is all good. I lean over and place the food on the passenger seat (kinda nice having the top down) and go around to take my place in the driver's seat (In my mind I weigh 150 and am only 23 years old). I am just preening away like an idiot. I grab the handle and the door is locked. LOL! It is a convertible with the top down! So I use the key ( I know, old fashioned, but I don't have a remote on my van so that is what I am used to) to unlock it. Plunk, unlocked. I grab the handle and Holy Guacamole!!! Whoot! Whoot! Whoot! Lights flashing, horn beeping, people staring....am I the cool one, or what?!?
I fumble around with the remote and looked confused as I didn't see how I could have pushed the panic button. But I must have, right?... so I push it again to turn it off. WHOOT! WHOOT! WHOOT! faster now with the lights flashing and people starting to look at me like "turn it off already!" I am clueless! I push the panic button again and it goes back to 'whooting' at a slower pace...isn't that so much better??!?
So an older gentleman comes out of Dunkin Donuts and takes pity on me. "Um...I think you have to get in and turn it on and then it will stop." Fabulous! I hop in and start it up. Vroooooom! Woulda sounded sweet if some idiot's car alarm wasn't going off LMBO. So I am now thinking of all the ways I can string Jody up for not telling me that the car was alarmed. I'm sitting there in the seat watching the reflection of the headlights and flashers blinking in Yanni's window. Oh yeah, I am cool all right! Good thing Hillsboro is a big city and I am an unknown around here. At that point I burst out laughing. Now that I was through the shock, it was down right funny. I shrugged at the good samaritan, put the car in gear (can you believe it drove like that?!?) and pulled out of the lot onto W. Main St. WHooT, WHooT, WHooTing all the way. Don't cha know I had to stop for the red light at McD's. People were pulling over thinking I was a volunteer firefighter, people were waving and a few even threw in a few beeps of their own. I laughed all the way up Saw Mill Rd.
Jody said that I am not ready for a convertible yet :( Oh well, There's always next time! *chuckles*
On Monday they arrived. It really was great! The parade was over, the checks were pouring in and all my bills had been paid. The house wasn't nearly as neat as I would have liked it, but I was finally in a good mood. We had a really nice visit. Thank God for old friends.
Now onto the adventure......It was lunch time and one of the things I hadn't fit in was grocery shopping, so we ordered pizza. Jody graciously dangled the keys to her brand new black LeSabre convertible and suggested that they would stay with the kids and I could go and pick up lunch.
Picture it. I couldn't get out fast enough. I move the seat back, adjust the mirrors, run my fingers through my hair...I am ready to roll. Down Saw Mill Road I go, through the light at 202 and pull into Yanni's lot. I am styling! This was how it should be. Ohhh yeeeaaaaah.
I get the pizzas (surprise, three free soda's, too!) It is all good. I lean over and place the food on the passenger seat (kinda nice having the top down) and go around to take my place in the driver's seat (In my mind I weigh 150 and am only 23 years old). I am just preening away like an idiot. I grab the handle and the door is locked. LOL! It is a convertible with the top down! So I use the key ( I know, old fashioned, but I don't have a remote on my van so that is what I am used to) to unlock it. Plunk, unlocked. I grab the handle and Holy Guacamole!!! Whoot! Whoot! Whoot! Lights flashing, horn beeping, people staring....am I the cool one, or what?!?
I fumble around with the remote and looked confused as I didn't see how I could have pushed the panic button. But I must have, right?... so I push it again to turn it off. WHOOT! WHOOT! WHOOT! faster now with the lights flashing and people starting to look at me like "turn it off already!" I am clueless! I push the panic button again and it goes back to 'whooting' at a slower pace...isn't that so much better??!?
So an older gentleman comes out of Dunkin Donuts and takes pity on me. "Um...I think you have to get in and turn it on and then it will stop." Fabulous! I hop in and start it up. Vroooooom! Woulda sounded sweet if some idiot's car alarm wasn't going off LMBO. So I am now thinking of all the ways I can string Jody up for not telling me that the car was alarmed. I'm sitting there in the seat watching the reflection of the headlights and flashers blinking in Yanni's window. Oh yeah, I am cool all right! Good thing Hillsboro is a big city and I am an unknown around here. At that point I burst out laughing. Now that I was through the shock, it was down right funny. I shrugged at the good samaritan, put the car in gear (can you believe it drove like that?!?) and pulled out of the lot onto W. Main St. WHooT, WHooT, WHooTing all the way. Don't cha know I had to stop for the red light at McD's. People were pulling over thinking I was a volunteer firefighter, people were waving and a few even threw in a few beeps of their own. I laughed all the way up Saw Mill Rd.
Jody said that I am not ready for a convertible yet :( Oh well, There's always next time! *chuckles*
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I love this blog!
I can't even explain how much fun this blog is. So many things happen every day that make me smile (make me scream) and typically they would amuse me and then after a day or two fade away. I just had so much fun looking back over the last few entries that I made. With the hectic rush of day-to-day I just know that even if I don't post quite as much as I would like, that in a matter of a few years, these pages are going to be priceless to me....actually, they already are.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day
Happy Father's Day, Chad!
My husband started the day at about 4AM saying that since it was Father's Day he thought it was time to try for another child. (um, Mom, pick yourself off the floor--not happening!) See, the joke is that two years ago at Ben's first birthday party Chad and I toasted each other and said that it had been a good run, but our agreement was no kids after I turned 40, thus June of 2007 was the cut off. Of course we all know how that turned out LOL. Precious Rebecca, whom I couldn't live without, was conceived just after said toast, and born two weeks before my 40th birthday.
Since I nixed his offer I thought that I would give him a little surprise. I dug out a lacy red nightie that I have not worn since Rachel was born (you know, spaghetti straps, sexy, H-O-T) Chad was impressed with it, and after the kids got up I paired it with a pair of blue shorts with dragonflies on them. So much for sexy. The best part of the whole morning, however, was when Rachel came down and saw me, shorts and all, and said, "Mom, you look less fat today. You are beautiful!"
Maybe I've still got it after all! *smiles*
My husband started the day at about 4AM saying that since it was Father's Day he thought it was time to try for another child. (um, Mom, pick yourself off the floor--not happening!) See, the joke is that two years ago at Ben's first birthday party Chad and I toasted each other and said that it had been a good run, but our agreement was no kids after I turned 40, thus June of 2007 was the cut off. Of course we all know how that turned out LOL. Precious Rebecca, whom I couldn't live without, was conceived just after said toast, and born two weeks before my 40th birthday.
Since I nixed his offer I thought that I would give him a little surprise. I dug out a lacy red nightie that I have not worn since Rachel was born (you know, spaghetti straps, sexy, H-O-T) Chad was impressed with it, and after the kids got up I paired it with a pair of blue shorts with dragonflies on them. So much for sexy. The best part of the whole morning, however, was when Rachel came down and saw me, shorts and all, and said, "Mom, you look less fat today. You are beautiful!"
Maybe I've still got it after all! *smiles*
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Can't believe that I am finally getting Ben out of the "terrible twos" and I have another one coming up right behind him. I spent time today cleaning the kitchen....like emptying the counters, sorting things, putting the coffee machine away as we hardly ever use it anymore....looked REALLY nice when I finished and I felt really satisfied with my work.
However, it seems while I was busy in the kitchen my dynamic duo was busy decorating the hallway.....with crayon.....black crayon.....all the way up the stairs and down the hall. I just can't seem to get ahead. Blah!
However, it seems while I was busy in the kitchen my dynamic duo was busy decorating the hallway.....with crayon.....black crayon.....all the way up the stairs and down the hall. I just can't seem to get ahead. Blah!
The View Out My Window
The kids played nicely in the yard this afternoon. Sandbox, swingset...nice to see toys being used for their intended purposes LOL. As I am working on making dinner I glance out the window and see Rachel suspended halfway down the slide with her feet dangling and her arms wrapped up with rope. WTH? I ran out to hear her crying and screaming and by the time I am 1/2 way to her can see that her hands have turned purple.
Apparently she thought it would be a good experiment to tie one end of the dog leash to the top of the slide (no dog attached) and then put BOTH her hands through the loop part of the leash that you typically hold. She then slipped and litterally "hung" her wrists. She has welts on them and has been icing them. Can't wait to get THAT call from school tomorrow! But all in all, she's fine and that's what counts.
Apparently she thought it would be a good experiment to tie one end of the dog leash to the top of the slide (no dog attached) and then put BOTH her hands through the loop part of the leash that you typically hold. She then slipped and litterally "hung" her wrists. She has welts on them and has been icing them. Can't wait to get THAT call from school tomorrow! But all in all, she's fine and that's what counts.
Friday, June 5, 2009
This Little Piggy

This is an ode to my multi-talented neighbors who not only have multiple children, but also manage to find the time to lovingly care for multiple animals. The much-awaited arrival of the piglets last week has given both children and adults a lot to talk about. And God Bless my friend Amy who is now finding herself bottle feeding the runt. Her dedication is staggering to me.
*Deep, heavy sigh*
Monday, May 25, 2009
Today the kids and I went Letterboxing. Rachel LOVED it!! Ben was asleep most of the time but enjoyed a bit of a walk in the woods and Rebecca, well she is good all the time.
We found 4 letterboxes, all in Deering, and all simple. It was a great introduction to the sport. It was also fun to look at all the other stamps from people who came before us. Kinda hard to imagine that these little boxes are hidden behind stones, and in logs practically in our backyards. She has asked to go again, so Chad and I are going to use this as weekend entertainment and an opportunity to hike a bit (I am out of breath already) but it will be fun for all of us.
If you are interested in Letterboxing, all you need is a notebook, a stamp and pad and, of course, the directions to the hidden treasures. They are hidden all over the US and it is a great family activity that we can do for years. Check it out! www.letterboxing.org then click on the map. Happy Hunting!
We found 4 letterboxes, all in Deering, and all simple. It was a great introduction to the sport. It was also fun to look at all the other stamps from people who came before us. Kinda hard to imagine that these little boxes are hidden behind stones, and in logs practically in our backyards. She has asked to go again, so Chad and I are going to use this as weekend entertainment and an opportunity to hike a bit (I am out of breath already) but it will be fun for all of us.
If you are interested in Letterboxing, all you need is a notebook, a stamp and pad and, of course, the directions to the hidden treasures. They are hidden all over the US and it is a great family activity that we can do for years. Check it out! www.letterboxing.org then click on the map. Happy Hunting!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Chad's keychain vs. my keychain
Mother's Day
On a drive to Claremont to return some goodies to WalMart Rachel called to me from the backseat.
"Mom, I'm dehydrated. Can we stop and get some water?"
Chad and I laughed about it all the way home. That's my girl!
"Mom, I'm dehydrated. Can we stop and get some water?"
Chad and I laughed about it all the way home. That's my girl!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Mr. Wheat
Last night we got a call that our tenant and friend John, AKA "Bucky" had been in an accident on his bike and was in critical condition. He had initially been taken to Concord Hospital, but then airlifted to Dartmouth. Not good. They had called his brother to come as they needed to have a blood relative there....they didn't know if he would last the night.
The good news is that he did. He is in ICU but that is all I know as I can't get in contact with anyone. It is making me crazy.
To know John is a unique experience. He sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in an auto accident at age 22 when he was driving drunk. Talk about a consequence. He remembers who he was and all the things he used to do (he was an artist) and now he can barely scrawl his name. He is slow. Not that he has a low IQ, but that you'd better take a seat when talking to him as it will take a while for him to form his thoughts and then physically say it intelligibly. The brain injury effected his balance and also the way he learns (ie. in order to learn something he has to repeatedly practice it, not just be told what to do, or what not to do). He is "overly friendly" and can be inappropriate by today's standards. Harmless, but he definitely invades your personal space. Again, this is a result of the TBI.
Add to this that he is a NICE guy. Genuine, honest, trustworthy and will do an honest days work. He will help you however he can and loves to listen. He just wants to be loved.
We were over at the trailer today as our guys were repainting the front of it white, and suddenly I was just overwhelmed with grief. The unfairness of it....the shock of having such a serious outcome from a bike accident. It is really bothering me. Consuming me. I need to know he will be alright. I told Chad to mow the lawn, and I felt like I wanted to go get a load of mulch and spread it for him. He is a great tenant and keeps the place looking wonderful.
Chad said, "You know he may never get back here...he may have to go into residential placement." Yes, I do know that. I am just thankful he survived the night. I know it but....I can't allow it. John is not our best friend, but he has been our friend, our employee and our tenant for a long time. More than a decade. We have seen him through his highs and lows, encouraged him, coached him and laughed with him. True, he has never been over for dinner. He doesn't come to birthday parties and we don't exchange Christmas cards (although this year I might!) but the thought of him not living in "Bucky's Box" is just not acceptable. Wierd.
We love you, John....Bucky....Mr. Wheat. We're praying for you! Come home soon!
The good news is that he did. He is in ICU but that is all I know as I can't get in contact with anyone. It is making me crazy.
To know John is a unique experience. He sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in an auto accident at age 22 when he was driving drunk. Talk about a consequence. He remembers who he was and all the things he used to do (he was an artist) and now he can barely scrawl his name. He is slow. Not that he has a low IQ, but that you'd better take a seat when talking to him as it will take a while for him to form his thoughts and then physically say it intelligibly. The brain injury effected his balance and also the way he learns (ie. in order to learn something he has to repeatedly practice it, not just be told what to do, or what not to do). He is "overly friendly" and can be inappropriate by today's standards. Harmless, but he definitely invades your personal space. Again, this is a result of the TBI.
Add to this that he is a NICE guy. Genuine, honest, trustworthy and will do an honest days work. He will help you however he can and loves to listen. He just wants to be loved.
We were over at the trailer today as our guys were repainting the front of it white, and suddenly I was just overwhelmed with grief. The unfairness of it....the shock of having such a serious outcome from a bike accident. It is really bothering me. Consuming me. I need to know he will be alright. I told Chad to mow the lawn, and I felt like I wanted to go get a load of mulch and spread it for him. He is a great tenant and keeps the place looking wonderful.
Chad said, "You know he may never get back here...he may have to go into residential placement." Yes, I do know that. I am just thankful he survived the night. I know it but....I can't allow it. John is not our best friend, but he has been our friend, our employee and our tenant for a long time. More than a decade. We have seen him through his highs and lows, encouraged him, coached him and laughed with him. True, he has never been over for dinner. He doesn't come to birthday parties and we don't exchange Christmas cards (although this year I might!) but the thought of him not living in "Bucky's Box" is just not acceptable. Wierd.
We love you, John....Bucky....Mr. Wheat. We're praying for you! Come home soon!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Becoming Best Buds
Ben and Rebecca are quickly becoming two peas in a pod. Wherever he is, she is. If he leads, she will follow. Today they were playing together out on the little slide in the backyard. Then she followed Ben over to the big slide. They pick flowers together, they beat the snot out of each other.
Everytime Becca wakes up from her nap, Ben tells me to "stay there" and runs up to greet her. He will occasionally climb in the crib with her and lie next to her, snuggling in the blankets. Of course, he also wakes her up before she is ready- argh!
This morning I had one snuggled up on either side of me (Rachel was away at camp) and they were rubbing each others hands, and patting each other lovingly. My heart grew three sizes watching them.
At noon Ben was on the outside of the kitchen door and Rebecca was inside and Ben was playing peek-a-boo with her. She laughed...and laughed....so cute!
This afternoon I got home from grocery shopping and asked Chad where all the kids were. He said that Ben and Rebecca were in the backyard together. We couldn't see them from the window so I walked out onto the deck and found them over by the kitchen set. Rebecca was in a denim dress, sitting in a chair swinging her leg while Ben was "cooking" in the kitchen for her. It was so cute!!! I wish I had had my camera.
Chad went out and took a look and he said, " They are going to be just like you and John." I thought that that was the best compliment ever. *smile*
Everytime Becca wakes up from her nap, Ben tells me to "stay there" and runs up to greet her. He will occasionally climb in the crib with her and lie next to her, snuggling in the blankets. Of course, he also wakes her up before she is ready- argh!
This morning I had one snuggled up on either side of me (Rachel was away at camp) and they were rubbing each others hands, and patting each other lovingly. My heart grew three sizes watching them.
At noon Ben was on the outside of the kitchen door and Rebecca was inside and Ben was playing peek-a-boo with her. She laughed...and laughed....so cute!
This afternoon I got home from grocery shopping and asked Chad where all the kids were. He said that Ben and Rebecca were in the backyard together. We couldn't see them from the window so I walked out onto the deck and found them over by the kitchen set. Rebecca was in a denim dress, sitting in a chair swinging her leg while Ben was "cooking" in the kitchen for her. It was so cute!!! I wish I had had my camera.
Chad went out and took a look and he said, " They are going to be just like you and John." I thought that that was the best compliment ever. *smile*
Friday, May 15, 2009
I Wish I Was More Like Her
I am blessed. Not only is my oldest daughter smart and pretty, she is also excited about change and always ready for an adventure. Two things that I am not.
She left this afternoon for the Brownie/Girl Scout 3 day/2 night Camperee at Camp Chenoa in Antrim. She has been talking about this trip for two months. She has "practiced" packing, "practiced" falling asleep without me singing to her, and "practiced" how to get dressed in the morning with 5 other bunkmates present. So cute!
This morning as she left for school she told me that I needed to get her all packed and ready to go so that when she got off the bus this afternoon she could hit the road. I was also told that if I did not do as she said, then she would disown me and would not be my daughter anymore. She loves me. Really. It radiates from her. Yah.
So at 4:15 I drove her to the elementary school and put her bag in the leader's van, she buckled herself in and away she went without so much as a wave. She loves me. Really.
To get myself ready for the evening I went out and bought a new phone as the battery in our old one was not reliable at all. You see, she may call me tonight. Because she needs me, and she misses me, and- well, she loves me. Really.
At 8:51PM the phone rang. It was Amy's mom AKA Grandma Cote. Apparently Amy was calling to check in on her kids at home (she is at the Camperee with her daughter's troup tonight) and the only place she could get any reception was standing on a table. Could Grandma please call me and pass on a message? Of course!
Are you ready? Wait for it.......
She is having a blast. Big surprise, huh? She is sitting at the bonfire singing her heart out. She has already seen a deer, heard an owl and some coyotes (in the distance).
I am so proud of her. Seven years old and away from home for two nights. I never could have done it. Never did it. I was nervous every time I went to camp at Deering and I was in high school! That is some special girl I have there. I wish I was more like her. I love her. Really.
She left this afternoon for the Brownie/Girl Scout 3 day/2 night Camperee at Camp Chenoa in Antrim. She has been talking about this trip for two months. She has "practiced" packing, "practiced" falling asleep without me singing to her, and "practiced" how to get dressed in the morning with 5 other bunkmates present. So cute!
This morning as she left for school she told me that I needed to get her all packed and ready to go so that when she got off the bus this afternoon she could hit the road. I was also told that if I did not do as she said, then she would disown me and would not be my daughter anymore. She loves me. Really. It radiates from her. Yah.
So at 4:15 I drove her to the elementary school and put her bag in the leader's van, she buckled herself in and away she went without so much as a wave. She loves me. Really.
To get myself ready for the evening I went out and bought a new phone as the battery in our old one was not reliable at all. You see, she may call me tonight. Because she needs me, and she misses me, and- well, she loves me. Really.
At 8:51PM the phone rang. It was Amy's mom AKA Grandma Cote. Apparently Amy was calling to check in on her kids at home (she is at the Camperee with her daughter's troup tonight) and the only place she could get any reception was standing on a table. Could Grandma please call me and pass on a message? Of course!
Are you ready? Wait for it.......
She is having a blast. Big surprise, huh? She is sitting at the bonfire singing her heart out. She has already seen a deer, heard an owl and some coyotes (in the distance).
I am so proud of her. Seven years old and away from home for two nights. I never could have done it. Never did it. I was nervous every time I went to camp at Deering and I was in high school! That is some special girl I have there. I wish I was more like her. I love her. Really.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Still laughing!
The other day we were in the car going....ummm...somewhere...and Rachel is jabbering away in the way back as usual. I could hear about every third word, as usual, and was trying to nod and make appropriate responses every few seconds even though my mind was kinda blocking her out (love ya, Rachel!).
Anyhoo, she caught me. Then she called me on the carpet about it. "Mom! You are not listening to me! I said...blah, blah, blah....."
"Yes, Rachel....yep....OK....Uh huh"
So she says, "Mom! I am strong like bull. I will come up there and you WILL listen!"
I chuckle. "You strong like bull, eh?"
"Yes, me strong like bull. I will take you out!"(she makes horns on her head with her index fingers and grunts)
We are laughing and saying "strong like bull" in our deepest and most bullish voices. Then, I got it....an apostrophe! (That is my FAVORITE phrase from the movie Peter Pan with Robin Williams. Captain Hook says, "An epiphany, Sneed. You had an epiphany." "That's what I said, an apostrophe!") But I digress.......
So Long story really long I said in my best bull voice....."You are strong like bull but worse! You smell like bull!!"
Honest to goodness I thought Rachel would fall out of her seat she was laughing so hard. Too funny! Anyhoo, the conversation went downhill fast with her jumping on the smelly like poop bandwagon, but I still chuckle at the look on her face when I said that. Guess you had to be there!
Anyhoo, she caught me. Then she called me on the carpet about it. "Mom! You are not listening to me! I said...blah, blah, blah....."
"Yes, Rachel....yep....OK....Uh huh"
So she says, "Mom! I am strong like bull. I will come up there and you WILL listen!"
I chuckle. "You strong like bull, eh?"
"Yes, me strong like bull. I will take you out!"(she makes horns on her head with her index fingers and grunts)
We are laughing and saying "strong like bull" in our deepest and most bullish voices. Then, I got it....an apostrophe! (That is my FAVORITE phrase from the movie Peter Pan with Robin Williams. Captain Hook says, "An epiphany, Sneed. You had an epiphany." "That's what I said, an apostrophe!") But I digress.......
So Long story really long I said in my best bull voice....."You are strong like bull but worse! You smell like bull!!"
Honest to goodness I thought Rachel would fall out of her seat she was laughing so hard. Too funny! Anyhoo, the conversation went downhill fast with her jumping on the smelly like poop bandwagon, but I still chuckle at the look on her face when I said that. Guess you had to be there!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
When it rains....
What a day. Chad is working for about the 11th weekend in a row, Rachel is exhausted but refusing to give up that she wants to be back at Alyssa's house, Ben has a really stuffy nose and has not really eaten anything all day (I know, you are shocked, right?) and Rebecca......poor kid. Apparently Ben took some conditioner out of the playroom shower and poured it into the play kitchen sink with a bowl full of water to try to "wash" his dishes. Wonder where he got that idea (Rachel). Then poor, poor Rebecca comes along, Miss Innocent, and sticks her hands in and -since she is tired- rubs her eyes. Thank goodness Chad was home. Talk about scream!!!! He washed her eyes out while I tried to figure out what was actually in them. (The coconut smell eventually gave it away.) The fisher price kitchen went heave-ho out the back door (guess I don't know my own strength!) and, in the end, Becks is fine. Five minutes later I had everyone in bed, but Ben didn't want to give it up and he cried until he threw up all over the bed. Wonder where he got that idea (Rachel) *joke!*
Ahhhhhh....now I am decompressing on the net and will then go up to see which bed I will end up in tonight. At least Ben's has fresh sheets!
Ahhhhhh....now I am decompressing on the net and will then go up to see which bed I will end up in tonight. At least Ben's has fresh sheets!
Safe and Sound
Well, she's home in her own bed tonight. Safe and sound. She had a great time on her sleepover but couldn't wait to get back home and back to her normal routine. She felt shy at their house, and they had a big dog which made her a little nervous. It was a real warm-fuzzy for me to get a big hug when I went to pick her up.
OK, the real truth is that I went to pick her up at 1PM and she refused to even look at me and told me to go away! She wanted to stay there again. She wasn't the least bit shy and, in fact, showed Alyssa how to use the popcorn button on the microwave to make "breakfast" as 7AM. The dog did make her nervous for all of 3.5 seconds, then the two baby kittens caught her eye, as did the gynormous trampoline and the rest, as they say, is history. She came home kicking and screaming all the way. Crying that she already missed Alyssa and Ady and that she wanted to go back tomorrow. On and on and on for the entire 20 minutes in the car........so happy she is back!
LOL the good news is that she truly did miss me and was like glue to me all afternoon and all evening. She told me that she loved me and wanted hugs, she drew me a picture showing herself crying because I hadn't been there to sing her to sleep. She asked if I sang to myself last night instead. I laughed.....because I had.
So she is already planning her two overnights on the 15th and 16th to Camp Chenoa. I guess I don't have to worry. She'll be just fine.
OK, the real truth is that I went to pick her up at 1PM and she refused to even look at me and told me to go away! She wanted to stay there again. She wasn't the least bit shy and, in fact, showed Alyssa how to use the popcorn button on the microwave to make "breakfast" as 7AM. The dog did make her nervous for all of 3.5 seconds, then the two baby kittens caught her eye, as did the gynormous trampoline and the rest, as they say, is history. She came home kicking and screaming all the way. Crying that she already missed Alyssa and Ady and that she wanted to go back tomorrow. On and on and on for the entire 20 minutes in the car........so happy she is back!
LOL the good news is that she truly did miss me and was like glue to me all afternoon and all evening. She told me that she loved me and wanted hugs, she drew me a picture showing herself crying because I hadn't been there to sing her to sleep. She asked if I sang to myself last night instead. I laughed.....because I had.
So she is already planning her two overnights on the 15th and 16th to Camp Chenoa. I guess I don't have to worry. She'll be just fine.
Friday, May 1, 2009
A Rachel Milestone
My baby continues to grow up. In half an hour she will be picked up for her first sleepover, at Alyssa's house. She is soooooooo excited! She has been asking to go on sleepovers for two years and I keep saying no, that momma is not ready yet. How true that is.
I just finished packing her bag with PJs and clothes for tomorrow. I am bawling! I have to stop! She can't come home and find me this way or she will freak and not go (at least, my subconsious wishes she would not go, but knowing her I will get a peck on the cheek- bawling or not- and away she will go to Washington, NH) She loves a good adventure and an adventure with friends just can't be beat.
I keep saying that this is good practice for May 16th when her brownie troop is going away to Camp Chenoa in Antrim for two nights. Two nights! They should have a parent support group for this, or something.
Man! She makes me crazy but then when she finally gets the opportunity to go, all I want to do is hug her tight and stroke her hair. To sing her lullabys and tell her 123 times that it is quiet time and she needs to go to sleep. Oh, shit. Her ride is here. *wipes tears* Wish me luck!!
Well, it is 3:37 and she is long gone. The bus came at 3:30 and she floated into the house on cloud nine, grabbed her bag, paused for a split second to give me a half-hearted hug (sorta) as she scurried everyone out the door. Well. The good thing is that she left no time for any drama! Sleep tight mommy's girl. I love you!
I just finished packing her bag with PJs and clothes for tomorrow. I am bawling! I have to stop! She can't come home and find me this way or she will freak and not go (at least, my subconsious wishes she would not go, but knowing her I will get a peck on the cheek- bawling or not- and away she will go to Washington, NH) She loves a good adventure and an adventure with friends just can't be beat.
I keep saying that this is good practice for May 16th when her brownie troop is going away to Camp Chenoa in Antrim for two nights. Two nights! They should have a parent support group for this, or something.
Man! She makes me crazy but then when she finally gets the opportunity to go, all I want to do is hug her tight and stroke her hair. To sing her lullabys and tell her 123 times that it is quiet time and she needs to go to sleep. Oh, shit. Her ride is here. *wipes tears* Wish me luck!!
Well, it is 3:37 and she is long gone. The bus came at 3:30 and she floated into the house on cloud nine, grabbed her bag, paused for a split second to give me a half-hearted hug (sorta) as she scurried everyone out the door. Well. The good thing is that she left no time for any drama! Sleep tight mommy's girl. I love you!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Makes me purr....
My daughter has a class in school everyday called reteach/enrich where, for a half hour, the kids break into groups to practice or enrich their courses of study.
This afternoon Rachel came home with the following story. They were given the beginning of it, and she wrote the ending. Talk about a warm fuzzy!
One day a cat lost her purr! She looked for it. She co in't find it. She looked avewar. She can't find it and she went home. and she snugl with my mom and she found it. She meowed.
That's my kid!
This afternoon Rachel came home with the following story. They were given the beginning of it, and she wrote the ending. Talk about a warm fuzzy!
One day a cat lost her purr! She looked for it. She co in't find it. She looked avewar. She can't find it and she went home. and she snugl with my mom and she found it. She meowed.
That's my kid!
Friday, April 17, 2009
The joy of laundry
Hahahaha....just kidding.
I am never caught up with my laundry. This is a fact. Well, maybe I was after Rebecca was born and my parents were here taking care of me. (Gotta love mom!)
Anyhoo, yesterday I used almost an entire bottle of Shout on one load of laundry. It got down to the point that I had to hold the clothes up to keep the bottle vertical, KWIM? Took me FOREVER to get that one load in. It was a pastel load consisting of childrens clothes. Covered with mud, chocolate (love that Easter candy!) and various other food/drool remnants. Gotta love it.
As I was spraying my way to carpel tunnel, I thought about my DH (Dear Hubby) who got so frustrated at the amount of laundry not too long ago and decided to do all 8 loads in one day. Mr. Helpful. Didn't use so much as one spray of Shout, no Oxy, no bleach (regular or color-safe), just threw the clothes in, added detergent and set off to teach me a lesson. Can I tell you how many pieces of clothing he totalled? I was not pleased. You see, it may take me a while to actually DO the laundry, but when I do, I do it right. The clothes come out clean. I am happy, and for a maximum of 5 minutes my children look cared for. Let the mud fly!!!
I am never caught up with my laundry. This is a fact. Well, maybe I was after Rebecca was born and my parents were here taking care of me. (Gotta love mom!)
Anyhoo, yesterday I used almost an entire bottle of Shout on one load of laundry. It got down to the point that I had to hold the clothes up to keep the bottle vertical, KWIM? Took me FOREVER to get that one load in. It was a pastel load consisting of childrens clothes. Covered with mud, chocolate (love that Easter candy!) and various other food/drool remnants. Gotta love it.
As I was spraying my way to carpel tunnel, I thought about my DH (Dear Hubby) who got so frustrated at the amount of laundry not too long ago and decided to do all 8 loads in one day. Mr. Helpful. Didn't use so much as one spray of Shout, no Oxy, no bleach (regular or color-safe), just threw the clothes in, added detergent and set off to teach me a lesson. Can I tell you how many pieces of clothing he totalled? I was not pleased. You see, it may take me a while to actually DO the laundry, but when I do, I do it right. The clothes come out clean. I am happy, and for a maximum of 5 minutes my children look cared for. Let the mud fly!!!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Why did the chicken cross the playground?
To get to the other slide!!
(Courtesy of Rachel *wink*)
To get to the other slide!!
(Courtesy of Rachel *wink*)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Ma Copelin
We just got a call that Jeannie's mom died this evening. She (they) have been on our minds all day. Fortunately we had the opportunity to visit with them just yesterday when we went to Newburyport to have a birthday lunch for my mother-in-law.
Ma Copelin was a single parent who raised two terrific daughters. She was active in her church and with the Deering Conference Center here in NH. Jeannie was my roommate at camp. (The one who turned all my clothes a deep purple color when she washed them with her new jeans. LOL) She was there when I met Chad.
Her reaction when I told her about this really cute guy I had met named Chad----"Chad?!? He's my brother!!" And for all intents and purposes, he was. I remember visiting her in Newburyport as a teen- my father driving me there. Ma Copelin was always sitting in her chair in the kitchen, her dogs running around her feet, a dog treat always at the ready. She had a smokers voice, although I never remember her with a cigarette. The girls would always tease Chad and she would say, "Jeannie!" and then go on about how he was her brother and she was not to talk that way to him. Jeannie would produce the appropriate eye roll, shake her head and poke him or somehow continue to needle him and Ma Copelin would always be there to his rescue. They would race to be the first to call Ma at Christmas and Chad was always on the lookout not to forget her birthday in September.
She looked so small yesterday. So tired. It was one of those bittersweet moments where you are so glad that the opportunity presented itself, yet you experience grief that she was so frail.
I find it hard to believe that we are getting old enough that our friends are starting to lose their parents. Pray that it doesn't happen in our own house for a long, long time.
We will miss you, Ma. Your spirited voice, your love of dachshunds, and the love that you showed to us over the years. We pray that you have found peace and comfort on this Easter evening and want you to know that you will forever be in our hearts. We will help to watch over your girls. We love you!
Ma Copelin was a single parent who raised two terrific daughters. She was active in her church and with the Deering Conference Center here in NH. Jeannie was my roommate at camp. (The one who turned all my clothes a deep purple color when she washed them with her new jeans. LOL) She was there when I met Chad.
Her reaction when I told her about this really cute guy I had met named Chad----"Chad?!? He's my brother!!" And for all intents and purposes, he was. I remember visiting her in Newburyport as a teen- my father driving me there. Ma Copelin was always sitting in her chair in the kitchen, her dogs running around her feet, a dog treat always at the ready. She had a smokers voice, although I never remember her with a cigarette. The girls would always tease Chad and she would say, "Jeannie!" and then go on about how he was her brother and she was not to talk that way to him. Jeannie would produce the appropriate eye roll, shake her head and poke him or somehow continue to needle him and Ma Copelin would always be there to his rescue. They would race to be the first to call Ma at Christmas and Chad was always on the lookout not to forget her birthday in September.
She looked so small yesterday. So tired. It was one of those bittersweet moments where you are so glad that the opportunity presented itself, yet you experience grief that she was so frail.
I find it hard to believe that we are getting old enough that our friends are starting to lose their parents. Pray that it doesn't happen in our own house for a long, long time.
We will miss you, Ma. Your spirited voice, your love of dachshunds, and the love that you showed to us over the years. We pray that you have found peace and comfort on this Easter evening and want you to know that you will forever be in our hearts. We will help to watch over your girls. We love you!
Monday, April 6, 2009
My haircut
I have to do another post on my haircut. I LOVE IT!!! Thank you so much to JoAnn at Toppers Salon-- you are the BEST!
She gave me this killer haircut that everyone loves and that I ADORE! It is cute, it is modern, and I look freaking HOT!
Just wait until you see me again :-)
She gave me this killer haircut that everyone loves and that I ADORE! It is cute, it is modern, and I look freaking HOT!
Just wait until you see me again :-)
Five Chads in a tub!
Last night all 5 of us enjoyed a dip in the hot tub. It was really fun! Talk about something I never expected to see LOL. Ben has hated water for his entire life, and seriously, who ever expected us to have 3 kids? It was kinda funny to see us all in there together. Ben was jumping around and pointing out planes and clouds, Becca was splashing and Rachel was doing a shark impression. Chad and I just kept making eye contact like, how did we ever get here?? How did it happen that our large four person hot tub suddenly got too small?? It was kinda surreal, but a real warm-fuzzy. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Last night all 5 of us enjoyed a dip in the hot tub. It was really fun! Talk about something I never expected to see LOL. Ben has hated water for his entire life, and seriously, who ever expected us to have 3 kids? It was kinda funny to see us all in there together. Ben was jumping around and pointing out planes and clouds, Becca was splashing and Rachel was doing a shark impression. Chad and I just kept making eye contact like, how did we ever get here?? How did it happen that our large four person hot tub suddenly got too small?? It was kinda surreal, but a real warm-fuzzy. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Are you smarter than a 1st grader?

Apparently not. Here is my conversation from the other day...
Rachel, here is a book about frogs that you can take to school to share with your class.
Um, mom, a frog is an amphibian. I already told you...we are studying REPTILES! (unspoken but written clearly all over her face- "Idiot.")
Of course. How silly of me.
OMG So mad....
What a terrible PMS kinda day I had yesterday. I was mad at Chad (rightfully so) and at Ben (oh- he is DEFINITELY 2!) and Rachel (Who needs to be a role model when you can have so much fun getting in trouble with the two year old??) Everything put me on edge. I knew it was bad when my youngest daughter stood next to me with all the knowledge and experience of being 13 months old, extended her index finger, tensed her body, and leaned forward to yell," yadda dabba lalalalala!!" like she is yelling at someone. Talk about being a good role model. Yikes.
But then, when I was finally reduced to tears because the whole world was against me (yadda yadda yadda) my darling daughter came up to me and took my face in her hands. In the sweetest angel voice she began to sing one of her original songs. She is so special sometimes.
We appreciate you mama. We love what you do. You are the most special mama in the whole wide world and we appreciate you.
All in a beautiful sing-song voice. Ben then came up and gave me a big hug around the neck and planted a big kiss on my cheek. He then ran and got a tissue and came back and wiped my eyes with it. Rebecca, well, she chewed my a$$ again with the finger pointing which got me to laugh out loud. Do I have a great family or what?? Who can stay mad after that?
P.S.--But I will never take all three of them to Market Basket again!! --
But then, when I was finally reduced to tears because the whole world was against me (yadda yadda yadda) my darling daughter came up to me and took my face in her hands. In the sweetest angel voice she began to sing one of her original songs. She is so special sometimes.
We appreciate you mama. We love what you do. You are the most special mama in the whole wide world and we appreciate you.
All in a beautiful sing-song voice. Ben then came up and gave me a big hug around the neck and planted a big kiss on my cheek. He then ran and got a tissue and came back and wiped my eyes with it. Rebecca, well, she chewed my a$$ again with the finger pointing which got me to laugh out loud. Do I have a great family or what?? Who can stay mad after that?
P.S.--But I will never take all three of them to Market Basket again!! --
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Trot, trot to Boston...
Trot, trot to Lynn.... Watch out Rachel/Ben/Becca you might...fall.....IIIINNNN! LOL I played my first game of "Trot, trot" seven years ago with Rachel and she still comes running when she hears me doing it with Becca. This morning I had Ben on one knee and Becca on the other with Rachel waiting in the wings. So funny that something so simple makes such an impact. Rebecca even walks around the house bobbing her head up and down saying "trot, trot, trot, trot" when she wants to play!
25 years into the future......"Mom" Rebecca asks, "what was my first word?"
"Ummmm, I think it was TROT, honey!" LOL
25 years into the future......"Mom" Rebecca asks, "what was my first word?"
"Ummmm, I think it was TROT, honey!" LOL
Mad Dash for Hugs
We have this game that we play- Ben invented it. Actually Rachel invented it, now that I think about it and I tried to play it by Rachel's rules with Ben but he adapted it to his liking...and now Rebecca is even starting to play (I am chuckling as I write this thinking about her--so friggin' cute!!)
Anyhoo, with Rachel she would stand across the room and I would pull on an imaginary rope and "pull" her into my arms for a "big squeeze hug". Used to come in handy in stores as she was my run-and-hide kid. I would then be able to squat down and pull the "rope" and get her back. Sneaky,eh?
Ben never liked the fake rope thing. It was too slow for him. Instead he goes to the farthest point, usually the kitchen by the sink or near the barn wall, opens his arms and runs though the house and into my arms for a big bear hug.
Now Rebecca does it,too. Oh, how smart she is!! She smiles big, she opens her arms and just when you think she is going to run to you she laughs, pivots around and runs farther away! The stinker! Where I get in about 12 hugs with Ben I only get about 2-3 with Rebecca as she thinks that the anticipation is the best part. LOL She is sooooo darn cute with her little arms out and her chubby legs trying to "run" to and from me. Melts my heart.
And the best part of the story? Yesterday morning Ben and Rebecca were playing the game together. Ben was holding his arms open and Rebecca was coming in for a hug and a gentle pat on the head. *smile* My precious children.
Anyhoo, with Rachel she would stand across the room and I would pull on an imaginary rope and "pull" her into my arms for a "big squeeze hug". Used to come in handy in stores as she was my run-and-hide kid. I would then be able to squat down and pull the "rope" and get her back. Sneaky,eh?
Ben never liked the fake rope thing. It was too slow for him. Instead he goes to the farthest point, usually the kitchen by the sink or near the barn wall, opens his arms and runs though the house and into my arms for a big bear hug.
Now Rebecca does it,too. Oh, how smart she is!! She smiles big, she opens her arms and just when you think she is going to run to you she laughs, pivots around and runs farther away! The stinker! Where I get in about 12 hugs with Ben I only get about 2-3 with Rebecca as she thinks that the anticipation is the best part. LOL She is sooooo darn cute with her little arms out and her chubby legs trying to "run" to and from me. Melts my heart.
And the best part of the story? Yesterday morning Ben and Rebecca were playing the game together. Ben was holding his arms open and Rebecca was coming in for a hug and a gentle pat on the head. *smile* My precious children.
I'm falling in love....
....shhhhhh! Don't tell Chad, but I have been falling in love with someone over the last month or so and it is not him....
It is Rebecca. She has stolen my heart! There is something about this age that I just love. She is 13 months today and so very aware of, well, everything and already so darn smart....and cute? There aren't enough words to describe it! I remember falling in love with Ben at this age too. And of course Rachel was the apple of our eye since day one...but with Rebecca...now she has me wrapped around her finger.
It's not that I haven't loved her, or didn't love them, but it just seems like when they were newborns they were cuddly and all, and I did love them, of course, but it is now that I finally feel that I know her and I love who she is and who she is becomming. That whole busy, adjusting, juggling time is pretty much done. It is spring, we have been going outside which means I don't have to spend so much time cleaning up after everyone, and I have been thoroughly entranced with watching her explore, interact and learn about her environment. She is such a blessing to me. I have talked about her birth in the past by saying God has a sense of humor since she was born so close to my 40th birthday. But now I can't thank God enough for making her my daughter. What a sweet present she is to me everyday.
It is Rebecca. She has stolen my heart! There is something about this age that I just love. She is 13 months today and so very aware of, well, everything and already so darn smart....and cute? There aren't enough words to describe it! I remember falling in love with Ben at this age too. And of course Rachel was the apple of our eye since day one...but with Rebecca...now she has me wrapped around her finger.
It's not that I haven't loved her, or didn't love them, but it just seems like when they were newborns they were cuddly and all, and I did love them, of course, but it is now that I finally feel that I know her and I love who she is and who she is becomming. That whole busy, adjusting, juggling time is pretty much done. It is spring, we have been going outside which means I don't have to spend so much time cleaning up after everyone, and I have been thoroughly entranced with watching her explore, interact and learn about her environment. She is such a blessing to me. I have talked about her birth in the past by saying God has a sense of humor since she was born so close to my 40th birthday. But now I can't thank God enough for making her my daughter. What a sweet present she is to me everyday.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
My Beloved Son...
...has discovered the bathtub! I know it may sound weird, but this kid has screamed bloody murder from day one whenever he is subjected to a bath or shower. Last summer he refused to go more than ankle deep in the lake or a pool. He has just always hated water. And then it was a random Tuesday and he was upstairs playing with Rachel (who was in the tub). He stood off to the side and did his splashing, played with the toys and everything all the while staying safely on the sidelines. I went into the bedroom to fold some laundry when suddenly he walked in still fully clothed but dripping wet from head to toe.
And so it began. Now he asks to go in the tub at least once a day and many times in these past few days has gone in once in the AM and again later in the afternoon! I don't know why, I don't know how long it will last, but I am thrilled! Life is sooo much easier now!
Rebecca turns 1!

Rebecca had a great first birthday. She went willingly from person to person all day long and really enjoyed digging into her cake. After dessert, she went straight into the tub and cleaned up for round two. Among her many presents were a set of birthstone earrings from grammy and grampa, a color-changing push toy that both she and Ben have been enjoying from Grammy C and Grampie, a teddy bear, puppets and a bubble machine. The outdoor pictures are of us enjoying the bubbles that afternoon. As you see, she had a great day!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Simon Says
This is truly precious... there is no other word for it. I sat in on Rachel's Girl Scout meeting for a while tonight. As they were wrapping things up, they played Girl Scout Says. "GS Says....rub your belly" "GS says.....hop on one foot" "GS says.... tap your head" "GS says....turn around" "GS says.....tap your foot" ---no kidding, almost the entire circle of girls ages 6 and 7 lifted one foot off the ground and used their hand to tap it. ROFLOL!! The other parents and I burst out laughing. Talk about thinking outside the box! That NEVER would have occured to me! Gotta love my girl ;)
Lost treasures revealed
So. This is both funny and embarassing so I am going to share in case you need a lift. *
Ben took the cushions off the couch today. Apparently we haven't done that in quite a while. Here is what we found:
A picture of Rachel as a baby
a dollar bill (my fee for services rendered)
misc. coins (Ben's finders fee)
6 kid's socks
2 hair clips
2 scrunchies
3 ponytail holders (one mine and two Rachel's)
1 rattle (shaped like a crab)
1 ruler
1 pair of nail clippers (the nice baby ones)
Mr. Potato Head eyes (he will be so happy!)
A plastic frog
2 forks and 4 spoons
6 pieces of plastic food
My missing gold hoop earring (score!)
DH's tie clip, still in it's box
a brass fitting of some sort
Rachel's charm bracelet
a chip clip
2 dress-up necklaces (purple and orange)
2 toothbrushes (I buy them by the dozen exactly for this reason)
a spy code book (Kinda cool. I am going to write Rachel a note later)
the missing puzzle piece (yahoo!)
the back of the TV remote (already went to comcast and got a replacement)
a comb
6 pens
4 paintbrushes
7 pencils
10 colored pencils
5 crayons
2 markers
Pretty impressive, don't you think??
* The previous list in no way reflects the skills my mother tried desperately to instill in me during my formative years. While I am a cracker-jack administrator, I have always said that I needed a personal maid. Sorry mom! *wink*
Ben took the cushions off the couch today. Apparently we haven't done that in quite a while. Here is what we found:
A picture of Rachel as a baby
a dollar bill (my fee for services rendered)
misc. coins (Ben's finders fee)
6 kid's socks
2 hair clips
2 scrunchies
3 ponytail holders (one mine and two Rachel's)
1 rattle (shaped like a crab)
1 ruler
1 pair of nail clippers (the nice baby ones)
Mr. Potato Head eyes (he will be so happy!)
A plastic frog
2 forks and 4 spoons
6 pieces of plastic food
My missing gold hoop earring (score!)
DH's tie clip, still in it's box
a brass fitting of some sort
Rachel's charm bracelet
a chip clip
2 dress-up necklaces (purple and orange)
2 toothbrushes (I buy them by the dozen exactly for this reason)
a spy code book (Kinda cool. I am going to write Rachel a note later)
the missing puzzle piece (yahoo!)
the back of the TV remote (already went to comcast and got a replacement)
a comb
6 pens
4 paintbrushes
7 pencils
10 colored pencils
5 crayons
2 markers
Pretty impressive, don't you think??
* The previous list in no way reflects the skills my mother tried desperately to instill in me during my formative years. While I am a cracker-jack administrator, I have always said that I needed a personal maid. Sorry mom! *wink*
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Interesting design
God has to be a man. Seriously. My son, the beloved boy, decided to suddenly run around for an hour or two without a diaper the other day. This from the kid who hated to be without a shirt up until January. Of course I ran with it and brought out the potty and encouraged him to sit on it and asked him every 5 minutes if he had to pee, etc., etc.
But really. God was obviously in engineering mode when he designed men. I know that it is very functional. I understand that it works well from the sensory perspective. But seriously. The little dangly looks...well...ridiculous! It is like a train wreck...you don't really want to look at it, but you can't turn away. As a female you can't help wondering what it must feel like to have it jiggling around when you run. Bizarre. There is really nothing visually appealing about it, the sad little sack.
Good thing my son has beautiful eyes!
But really. God was obviously in engineering mode when he designed men. I know that it is very functional. I understand that it works well from the sensory perspective. But seriously. The little dangly looks...well...ridiculous! It is like a train wreck...you don't really want to look at it, but you can't turn away. As a female you can't help wondering what it must feel like to have it jiggling around when you run. Bizarre. There is really nothing visually appealing about it, the sad little sack.
Good thing my son has beautiful eyes!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Last Published February 11th. Ooops!
I knew it had been a while but.....
Anyhoo, a lot has been happening since the beginning of February-
Rachel turned 7 and enjoyed a fabulous visit with our pedi who had her memorize the numbers 5,2,1 and 0. 5 servings of fruits and veggies, 2 hrs. of tv, 1 hr. of play and 0 servings of soda per day. She was not impressed and has since changed them to suit her own purposes.
Rebecca is working on breaking her 1 year molars and has been surprisingly good about it with the exception of a rash from hell. It is finally cleared up, though, thank goodness!
I survived school vacation week with the extra bonus of today (Monday) as a snow day. I had spent all weekend cleaning and entertaining for Rebecca's first birthday so I boycotted cleaning for the day and instead went outside with the kids, did crafts and built a castle. I love days like this!!
Lets see, what else....Ben has decided that he prefers to be carried everywhere, thank you very much, and is starting to flop down on the floor and cry if not appeased. The kid is mucho stubborno Argh!
Funny story from this weekend-- Ben grabbed four HUGE cookies from a container on the counter and tried to sneak them into the playroom. Apparently, this was the second time he had done this, and dad saw him and said sternly, "put them back." So Ben slowly walks into the kitchen amidst his grandmothers and I, opens the top of his stool and stashes the cookies inside. He then sits on the bottom step of the stool, shoulders haunched and put his chin in his hands. Sooooooo Cute!!! LOL
We also had the nail polish incident, the joy of bathing and Rebecca's first birthday to catch up on, so tune in again soon! 'Night!
Anyhoo, a lot has been happening since the beginning of February-
Rachel turned 7 and enjoyed a fabulous visit with our pedi who had her memorize the numbers 5,2,1 and 0. 5 servings of fruits and veggies, 2 hrs. of tv, 1 hr. of play and 0 servings of soda per day. She was not impressed and has since changed them to suit her own purposes.
Rebecca is working on breaking her 1 year molars and has been surprisingly good about it with the exception of a rash from hell. It is finally cleared up, though, thank goodness!
I survived school vacation week with the extra bonus of today (Monday) as a snow day. I had spent all weekend cleaning and entertaining for Rebecca's first birthday so I boycotted cleaning for the day and instead went outside with the kids, did crafts and built a castle. I love days like this!!
Lets see, what else....Ben has decided that he prefers to be carried everywhere, thank you very much, and is starting to flop down on the floor and cry if not appeased. The kid is mucho stubborno Argh!
Funny story from this weekend-- Ben grabbed four HUGE cookies from a container on the counter and tried to sneak them into the playroom. Apparently, this was the second time he had done this, and dad saw him and said sternly, "put them back." So Ben slowly walks into the kitchen amidst his grandmothers and I, opens the top of his stool and stashes the cookies inside. He then sits on the bottom step of the stool, shoulders haunched and put his chin in his hands. Sooooooo Cute!!! LOL
We also had the nail polish incident, the joy of bathing and Rebecca's first birthday to catch up on, so tune in again soon! 'Night!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Happy Birthday, Rachel
Rachel turned 7 this past Sunday. OMG where has the time gone?? Remember the days of the Wiggles "Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, cock-a-doodle-do", the puppet shows where she played herself while I was the wizard, the dragon, the prince and who-knows-who else? How about her performing in every window or mirror she walked by? When she used to say "plurple" and "orjen". How she would carry both her taggies everywhere she went, or when she would sing B-52s with Chad whenever he gave her a bath...."bang, bang, bang on the door, Beeby!"
And now it is 2009 and we are into Hannah Montana (you were singing her theme song in the picture above), playing on the computer and with the wii. You are a Brownie and sing in the choir. You are tall and smart and can read and write. Your hair is long and beautiful. You are becoming a little lady and I am very proud of you. Happy Birthday, my love!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The Great Unveiling
After a couple of days reflection, I am coming to understand my hubby's response to my new haircut. Because, truly, I LOVE IT! You see, he was soo blown away by my stunning new look that it rendered him speechless. He was only able to manage a few words on a gasp and I mistook them to be negative. You see, what he really meant to say was that, "Although short hair isn't usually my preference......You look fabulous, honey. I love it!"
The cut has gotten rave reviews by everyone I encounter and several people have commented that it has taken 10 years off me. Gotta love that! My mom said that she has been waiting for years for me to take an interest in myself again (It has always been all about me, mom, it was just that the kids never went along with it!) and I am now boasting my picture. Yay, me!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Mii Fit
Well, after days of watching my children play with my wii fit "game" I finally managed to play it myself. I know that it doesn't sound like it should be much of a challenge to play it, but I have found, after several attempts, that the only way for me to "play" is to do it after the kids are all asleep. I opened the board a week ago and tried to do it at 5 AM. Ben (who gets up at 4:45 like clockwork) thought it looked like fun and tried to get on the board with me. Hmmmm. Hard enough to fit me on the board, never mind the two of us. But I perservered and got him set up with breakfast on the couch while watching Diego (he hardly breathes when Diego is on, so I was guarenteed 20 minutes mwahahaha)... and on the board I went! I was off to a great start, measured my weight and BMI (Groan) and did the beginning of the basic balance test when who should crawl in and put her hands on the board but Miss Rebecca! (She gets up with Ben) Hard to complete a balance test when the right side of the board has an extra 20 lbs. on it. Ugh.
But don't call me a quitter! I pulled out the musical toys and got her set up in th corner (now I only have 12 minutes of Diego left) and I jumped back on. I was sooooo close to finding out my Wii age (What will I ever do if it tells me I am 54??)...but I digress.....and who comes down but my Princess Rachel. "what are you doing? Is this the new game? Can I do it??" OK, I give up. And so it went for the week --until today. Today they all went to bed and I snuck (on tippy-toe) downstairs to the playroom and finally, FINALLY completed the baseline test and tried out a few of the activities. It really was pretty cool. The biggest surprise for me? Yoga is HARD! But I kicked butt anyways. Yeah, baby, hear me roar!!
You're dying to find out, right? What was my Wii fit age? Is it killing you? The suspense? Oh, yeah, uh huh, my Wii fit age is.....35!! Yahoo!
And now it is waaay past my bedtime and I'm tired. Off to bed. The other good news? I feel so good after doing 21 minutes on the wii that I didn't even eat that piece of cake that I have been eying all day (Rachel turned 7 yesterday...but that will be another post). Did I mention that I have the body of a 35 year old?? A very heavy 35 year old, but a 35 year old none-the-less. Take that!!
But don't call me a quitter! I pulled out the musical toys and got her set up in th corner (now I only have 12 minutes of Diego left) and I jumped back on. I was sooooo close to finding out my Wii age (What will I ever do if it tells me I am 54??)...but I digress.....and who comes down but my Princess Rachel. "what are you doing? Is this the new game? Can I do it??" OK, I give up. And so it went for the week --until today. Today they all went to bed and I snuck (on tippy-toe) downstairs to the playroom and finally, FINALLY completed the baseline test and tried out a few of the activities. It really was pretty cool. The biggest surprise for me? Yoga is HARD! But I kicked butt anyways. Yeah, baby, hear me roar!!
You're dying to find out, right? What was my Wii fit age? Is it killing you? The suspense? Oh, yeah, uh huh, my Wii fit age is.....35!! Yahoo!
And now it is waaay past my bedtime and I'm tired. Off to bed. The other good news? I feel so good after doing 21 minutes on the wii that I didn't even eat that piece of cake that I have been eying all day (Rachel turned 7 yesterday...but that will be another post). Did I mention that I have the body of a 35 year old?? A very heavy 35 year old, but a 35 year old none-the-less. Take that!!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
New Do
Well, I finally gave in and bit the bullet and got my hair cut short as I had been thinking about for a while (a long while). Everyone in the salon loved it, thought that it was great that I was going for it and giving myself a pick-me-up. The stylist was thrilled to cut away the poofy bangs that I had held over from about 1987 and I really felt great!
Then I came home. Ugh. My hubby (who is a BIG fan of long hair) said that it wasn't his preference and my lovely daughter (who shall remain nameless) took a look at it and said that it looked "stupid".....that I looked like a boy and I should go back to being a girl. Ahem. So much for my euphoria! I would post a pic but I am afraid to now, so everyone is going to just have to come see me--and do me a favor, OK? If you hate it, smile and tell me you love it? Thanks!
Then I came home. Ugh. My hubby (who is a BIG fan of long hair) said that it wasn't his preference and my lovely daughter (who shall remain nameless) took a look at it and said that it looked "stupid".....that I looked like a boy and I should go back to being a girl. Ahem. So much for my euphoria! I would post a pic but I am afraid to now, so everyone is going to just have to come see me--and do me a favor, OK? If you hate it, smile and tell me you love it? Thanks!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
Gotta love it! What a blast we have been having. Every night when Chad comes in he challenges Rachel to a game or two. All the kids pile into the tiny playroom with him, the toys and mess are kicked aside and the games begin. Rachel is really intense and hates it when he wins.
Usually this time provides a great opportunity for me to sneak out to the kitchen and make dinner (or blog!) without having to worry about the little ones around the oven and such. It is always fun to catch snippets of their conversations while they are in the heat of battle.....
"Oh, fishpot!" This from my soon-to-be 7 year old.
"Yes! Stike with a wedgie!" from my hubby whom my daughter was apparently trying to distract. Tonight they are all laughing and yelling, even Rebecca is jumping in with a scream or two. Not only are they up off the couch, but they are in the same room laughing and interacting. What a great "toy"! .....now if only I would get a chance to play.......lol
Usually this time provides a great opportunity for me to sneak out to the kitchen and make dinner (or blog!) without having to worry about the little ones around the oven and such. It is always fun to catch snippets of their conversations while they are in the heat of battle.....
"Oh, fishpot!" This from my soon-to-be 7 year old.
"Yes! Stike with a wedgie!" from my hubby whom my daughter was apparently trying to distract. Tonight they are all laughing and yelling, even Rebecca is jumping in with a scream or two. Not only are they up off the couch, but they are in the same room laughing and interacting. What a great "toy"! .....now if only I would get a chance to play.......lol
Pierced ears

Rachel has been interested in getting her ears pierced. She has been talking about it and asking about it and worrying that it will hurt. We finally decided that we would take her to the Piercing Pagoda (I researched them and was impressed with their policy and procedures) and see what she thought. She was excited and terrified and picked out earrings and then changed her mind.
Since the discussion began, Chad and I had been tossing around the idea of getting Rebecca's ears done while she was small. I had asked friends and family their opinions on doing a baby's ears and most were either neutral or in favor of it. My mom wasn't so keen on the idea, to say the least, but since we were there we decided to go for it. Rebecca would have hers done first, then Rachel. The result?? Rebecca looks cute in her diamond studs and Rachel is going to wait another year or two. (I don't blame her- I was 13 when I had mine done!)
On a Mission...
Well, my littlest princess took three steps this morning! We knew it was coming....she definitely prefers standing but knows that for distance, crawling is still faster. Well, this morning an opportunity presented itself that was too good to resist, and since she was already up, she went for it. Three steps later she was able to bonk her brother in the head and try to steal his train. He was not as impressed as I was. LOL. Since then she has taken a step or two between the end table and the chair. I give her two more days and then she will be upright full time. Wow. Where did the time go???
Monday, January 19, 2009
Our Sunday Project
After the younger kids went down for their naps this afternoon, Rachel and I decided that we would do a project to help the birds........we strung cranberries! It was sticky and they smelled kinda funny, but I really enjoyed having a half hour to sit and chat with her about nothing in particular. Quality time. Now we are just waiting on the birds!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
A special visitor
We have all had a nasty gastrointestinal thing recently, except Rachel. This evening she was standing next to me and she ripped a good one. I said, "You had better watch it, Rachel, because you might be getting sick. Why don't you try to go to the bathroom before you have an accident."
"Don't worry, Mom" she says, "I just have gas. It is just natural gas."
"Don't worry, Mom" she says, "I just have gas. It is just natural gas."
Saturday, January 17, 2009
On the Lighter Side
Wish I had my camera to take a movie of Ben and Rebecca yesterday morning. Rachel had left for school and Chad and I were home talking in the living room. Suddenly Rebecca burst out in this HUGE giggle as Ben shouts Peek-a-boo! It was the first time that I can honestly say that they were playing together. Interacting without beating each other up. It was sooooo CUTE!! Ben was behind the long red curtain which frames the slider, and he would poke his head out and yell Peek-a-boo! Rebecca thought it was the best thing she had ever seen. LOL She crawled over and tried to uncover him, then he let her control the curtain and yelled his part when she pulled it away. I tell you, it was ADORABLE! 10 months and 2.5 years. Too cute. Makes my dream of them growing up as good friends seem almost possible!
They Call Him Kipper

Kipper the Dog. My previous post about the sirens in the distance got me thinking about what it was like for us in those first days and weeks after the fire. My uncle and aunt were generous and offered the use of their house in Washington, NH. It was warm and dry and a place to re-coup, yet close enough for us to go to the house everyday and keep in contact with friends.
It was surreal. I want so badly to be able to describe it, but I can't find the words. We had nothing. Barely a pencil to our names. The house in Washington was a wonderful gift, as our alternative was living in a hotel room with a two year old and two dogs and a cat (it took us a week to find Samantha, poor thing). But the house was also weird. We felt so strange looking through cabinets trying to find silverware and knives. When we sat on the couch the squeaks were not familiar ones. We would put Rachel to sleep at night on a mattress on the floor in the bedroom and then go into the living room and just sit there and look at each other.
During the day we would prepare lists and go shopping for our immediate needs. I will never forget my first trip to Target, however, when I walked into the foyer and just stood there like an idiot by the carts because I literally needed everything and didn't even know in which direction to turn. So I turned around and left before I hyperventillated. Such irony that before the fire we stopped looking at sale flyers and such because they never held anything we needed and that day we needed it all.
And then there was Kipper. Rachel had been into the Wiggles, and Kipper and Spot....but the only videos we were able to salvage were two Kipper ones. We watched them over and over in those first few days. I can't hear the theme song without flashing back to Rachel kneeling over a green footstool while Chad and I tried to rebuild our lives. They call him Kipper...that cute, gentle dog.......makes me feel like I had the breath knocked out of me every time I hear the song. I have never introduced Ben nor Rebecca to Kipper......and now you know why.
Icy Dread
Chad bought a scanner. One that you can tune in to the police/fire/hwy dept. etc. He got it so that he could get the scoop on what the hwy dept. is doing during a storm. He can also get NOAA at the push of a button in the truck. Anyhoo, I finished programming it to the 4 local channels and he put it on top of the tv armoir in the livingroom. NH atmosphere at its best. LOL
Last night as I was getting ready to put Rebecca to bed it squawked and the voices talked about the Washington Fire Dept needing Hillsboro tank and pumpers to assist them at a house fire. The coldest night in years and they had to fight a fire.
I walked upstairs with Rebecca and sat in the rocker cuddling with her, smelling her hair, and singing her lullabyes when off in the distance I heard the sirens.
I can't describe to you the feeling of dread that washed over me and settled in my stomach. It is going on 5 years since our fire, but a feeling of helplessness and, I don't know, despair maybe? still haunts me when I hear sirens going to a fire. I almost felt guilty to be warm and snuggly with my baby while knowing the journey that that poor family was about to embark. May God bless them and keep them safe, as he did my family.
Last night as I was getting ready to put Rebecca to bed it squawked and the voices talked about the Washington Fire Dept needing Hillsboro tank and pumpers to assist them at a house fire. The coldest night in years and they had to fight a fire.
I walked upstairs with Rebecca and sat in the rocker cuddling with her, smelling her hair, and singing her lullabyes when off in the distance I heard the sirens.
I can't describe to you the feeling of dread that washed over me and settled in my stomach. It is going on 5 years since our fire, but a feeling of helplessness and, I don't know, despair maybe? still haunts me when I hear sirens going to a fire. I almost felt guilty to be warm and snuggly with my baby while knowing the journey that that poor family was about to embark. May God bless them and keep them safe, as he did my family.
The kids have been sick with some stomach thing for the past several days. Lucky me, it is now my turn. But that is not the reason I am writing tonight. You see, my son wakes up from naps crying. He wants to snuggle, he wants to be held, and heaven forbid if you have to get up, he screeches like it is the end of the world. Well, today he slept for hours and it was 5 before he opened his eyes. The crying started but I had to be in the kitchen making dinner. Wouldn't you know that my sweet daughter, who usually practices her bullying on her little brother, went over to him, sat next to him and said, "It's OK buddy, mom has to make dinner but you can rub my hair." And he did. And all was right in the world. What sweet kids I have!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
You do the math....
A family of 5, no washing machine, and an entire town trying to get a space in one of two laundrymats. Not pretty. We were on day 5 without power.
I brought Ben with me and went down to try to do 4 loads of laundry. Just the essentials. Ben fell asleep in the car and I was lucky enough to only have to wait about 10 minutes for the oldest machine in all of NH to clear for me. After a couple of false starts (the last time I did this I was in college...20 years ago or so) I got everything going and sat in the car with Ben to wait. Why do they have 23 washers and only 7 dryers???? I will be forever trying to figure that out.
Needless to say, I combined two loads for 30 min in a dryer and then gave up. I stopped at Aubuchon Hardware on the way home and bought one of those accordian drying racks for $35 *choke* and headed home. Hmmmmmmm.......how to dry 4 loads of laundry. The socks and undies went on the rack, the tshirts and pants we hung in our coat closet which is surrounded by the radiant heat pipes and stays a constant 95 degrees, but where to put the rest of the stuff??? OK, some over the lamps, on the vacuum handle, over the backs of the chairs......no, I couldn't do that. Could I? Well why the heck not- it wasn't being used for anything else, certainly! Poor thing was just standing there in the corner begging to feel helpful. So that is what I did. It still feels wrong, but desperation is the mother of invention, yes? I hope it doesn't keep me out of heaven. [Author's note: There is supposed to be a picture of my poor christmas tree covered in laundry here, but for some reason it is not uploading. Arrgh!]
I brought Ben with me and went down to try to do 4 loads of laundry. Just the essentials. Ben fell asleep in the car and I was lucky enough to only have to wait about 10 minutes for the oldest machine in all of NH to clear for me. After a couple of false starts (the last time I did this I was in college...20 years ago or so) I got everything going and sat in the car with Ben to wait. Why do they have 23 washers and only 7 dryers???? I will be forever trying to figure that out.
Needless to say, I combined two loads for 30 min in a dryer and then gave up. I stopped at Aubuchon Hardware on the way home and bought one of those accordian drying racks for $35 *choke* and headed home. Hmmmmmmm.......how to dry 4 loads of laundry. The socks and undies went on the rack, the tshirts and pants we hung in our coat closet which is surrounded by the radiant heat pipes and stays a constant 95 degrees, but where to put the rest of the stuff??? OK, some over the lamps, on the vacuum handle, over the backs of the chairs......no, I couldn't do that. Could I? Well why the heck not- it wasn't being used for anything else, certainly! Poor thing was just standing there in the corner begging to feel helpful. So that is what I did. It still feels wrong, but desperation is the mother of invention, yes? I hope it doesn't keep me out of heaven. [Author's note: There is supposed to be a picture of my poor christmas tree covered in laundry here, but for some reason it is not uploading. Arrgh!]
The Ice Storm of December 2008
I got up to go to the bathroom just after midnight on Dec. 12, 2008. As I was sitting there I looked outside and thought to myself- wow- there is a lot of ice out there and it is still raining really hard. Maybe I should have prepared better.......maybe I should have at least brought a flashlight upstairs with me. It would really suck to have one of the kids wake up at 2AM and have it be pitch black in here..... I guess I will go down and get- Oh, crap! The lights went out. And stayed out. For a long, long, LONG time.
My beloved hubby has a small generator for the business so he brought it home the next morning and did his voodoo and viola! We had heat and water. Amazing. All in all it wasn't too bad. The worst part was everyday at about 3:30 when you knew that by 4 it would be dark. We'd do the flashlight scramble and I had everyone run around and clean up the floors so no one would trip. Then it was a stovetop meal (we got really good at noodles and hamburgers) and cards/ board games until an early bedtime.
At first the kids were up each morning between 5-5:30 as usual. Once they discovered that it would be dark for at least two hours and they couldn't watch any tv they started to sleep in a little longer. Like until 6. Bah!
Seriously, though, it was amazing how quickly they got used to having no tv. I was actually a bit saddened by the 4th day in thinking that the lights would go back on and we would lose the wonderful family atmosphere we had going. We were in the routine of things and we knew how to operate by then.
By the 5th night I was on my knees praying for electricity. I thought about learning to say the Hail Mary but I couldn't google it so I was SOL. I had had enought. The kids were fighting and getting into each others things and I wanted to send them away, but we only had so many lanterns and I don't think there was a 'D' battery to be had in all of New England. Another night around the table listening to bad knock-knock jokes and my daughter slaughtering the Star Spangled Banner for about the 347th time. Yeesh!
I was on the phone with one of Chad's customers when the power came back. I screamed, told her I would call back, and the kids and I did a happy dance around the kitchen for a good 10 minutes. That night we turned the tree on, I think every tv in the house was on, and as I looked outside and noticed the sunset it was with a feeling of peace rather than tension. It is good to have your world shaken up every now and again to help you realize just how blessed you really are............but I'm sure glad my turn was over!
My beloved hubby has a small generator for the business so he brought it home the next morning and did his voodoo and viola! We had heat and water. Amazing. All in all it wasn't too bad. The worst part was everyday at about 3:30 when you knew that by 4 it would be dark. We'd do the flashlight scramble and I had everyone run around and clean up the floors so no one would trip. Then it was a stovetop meal (we got really good at noodles and hamburgers) and cards/ board games until an early bedtime.
At first the kids were up each morning between 5-5:30 as usual. Once they discovered that it would be dark for at least two hours and they couldn't watch any tv they started to sleep in a little longer. Like until 6. Bah!
Seriously, though, it was amazing how quickly they got used to having no tv. I was actually a bit saddened by the 4th day in thinking that the lights would go back on and we would lose the wonderful family atmosphere we had going. We were in the routine of things and we knew how to operate by then.
By the 5th night I was on my knees praying for electricity. I thought about learning to say the Hail Mary but I couldn't google it so I was SOL. I had had enought. The kids were fighting and getting into each others things and I wanted to send them away, but we only had so many lanterns and I don't think there was a 'D' battery to be had in all of New England. Another night around the table listening to bad knock-knock jokes and my daughter slaughtering the Star Spangled Banner for about the 347th time. Yeesh!
I was on the phone with one of Chad's customers when the power came back. I screamed, told her I would call back, and the kids and I did a happy dance around the kitchen for a good 10 minutes. That night we turned the tree on, I think every tv in the house was on, and as I looked outside and noticed the sunset it was with a feeling of peace rather than tension. It is good to have your world shaken up every now and again to help you realize just how blessed you really are............but I'm sure glad my turn was over!
A Whole Month
How did it happen that I have gone a whole month without posting? Oh, wait....I remember! Six wonderful days in the dark after the ice storm. Boy, do I have some posts to do about that one! Then is was Christmas at home, Christmas with Chad's dad, Christmas with my family, Christmas with Chad's mom and Cici and then New Years! Whew! This past week has been spent catching up on paperwork, bills and a bid for the town of Weare. I am exhausted! We are definitely on the good side of things, though. Rachel is happily back to school, the younger kids are down with their friends and I am relieved to be getting back on a schedule. Here's to a great 2009!
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