Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Such a Blessed Event!

I am soooo excited!! I thought my dream would never come true, but if you don't lose faith and pray hard enough then God will bless you with the ultimate....oh, I can't even think of the right word I am just so happy!! Days, weeks, months...dare I say that I have wished for this for the past year?? So psyched!!
Ready?? Here goes.............he peed in the potty!! Like IN the potty!! Not on the grass....not in the pool.....not on a tree.....not in a puddle on the floor......IN THE POTTY!! Woo hoo! This may actually happen my friends!!
I know you told me not to lose faith....I know that boys take longer....I know that the majority of children do not go to Kindergarden in diapers but geesh! This was a tough one. What a sense of victory!
I made Rachel and Rebecca come over and we danced and high fived. Rachel was like WTH, it was about 1 second worth of stuff and most of it is on the seat. Blah--do you know how much we used to dance for Her?? Too funny. I even called Chad and he cheered and clapped over the phone.
*deep satisfied breath*. Life is getting better and better everyday!!
And how is your day going??

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