My little man is off to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He LOVES it!! And the best part? The bus of all things. His driver's name is Claire and she is a grandmother and an absolute sweetie. He grabs his lunchbox every morning and asks, "Me bus, mom? Me backpack?" Big frown if I have to tell him to wait until tomorrow. His teachers say he is doing very well and currently he is one of 5 boys in the class- no girls. I can't say enough about how proud I am to see him still so tiny yet so enthused about going to school. My handsome boy.
Aww, Christina, he doesn't look so tiny anymore! I can't believe how much Ben has grown!! What a handsome little man! :)
Ian started school on Tuesdays and Thursdays also just last week. He missed Thursday because of a cold, but he LOVES it as well, and is so disappointed if it's not a school day.
I'm so glad to hear Ben is loving school too. I can't believe our little guys are getting so big!!
Btw, Ian saw Ben's picture and was asking "who's that guy?". He loves Ben's lunchbox and hat too (is that a Spiderman hat, Lightning McQueen, or something else ?)
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