Sunday, September 20, 2009

My Dad

My dad has had a tough time of it the past week or two. Started out with a UTI, then went to dehydration and kidney stones, then to severe kidney injury, hypertention and he rounded it out with type 2 diabetes. We have all been so worried. I had the opportunity to go down last Saturday and visit with him in the hospital. His eyes looked so sick. His voice was soft and his breathing labored. He spoke slowly and although he was able to carry on a conversation, you could tell he was just exhausted. His color was ashen, he was relieved to lay down and I had to help him with the blankets and cover his feet.
How did I suddenly become the caretaker?? I heavy feeling settled in my chest as I watched him and it still makes me teary as I sit here.
My dad. My caretaker, my protector, my cheerleader. You have to know him to fully appreciate him. He could talk to a post and makes friends with everyone he meets. He is involved--- in the church, in the neighborhood, with friends and family. He has never backed down from a challenge and always puts his best foot forward. He is always there to support me, from the littlest thing to those great big life-changing events. He is the best Bumpa, Pa and Grampa on the planet. His love for his family is genuine and goes to his core. He would do anything to help anyone--and he often does. He leads by example and has been a wonderful role model as a parent.
But....Did I mention that he has a bit of a history with injuries and sickness? He needs to be watched like a hawk because you never know what he is going to do next. It is not that he is careless, or clumsy. He just gets so into doing whatever it is that needs to be done that his feet get ahead of the rest of him and he seems to land on his butt. A lot. lol But that is just him, ya know? It is just his quirk. Usually we just help him recouperate, then tease him unmercifully and move on while keeping an eye out for his next adventure.
I will have to say that this time he went a bit too far, though. I was really scared. I got a glimpse of him as he may look in 20 years and I wasn't thrilled to see him in that light. It was a little too real, if you know what I mean.
So this is for you, dad. Please know how much you mean to all of us, and how big a part of our lives you are. Walk carefully, take your medicine, and listen to mom (hahaha) We want you to stay healthy for many years to come. <3

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