Tuesday, January 6, 2009

You do the math....

A family of 5, no washing machine, and an entire town trying to get a space in one of two laundrymats. Not pretty. We were on day 5 without power.
I brought Ben with me and went down to try to do 4 loads of laundry. Just the essentials. Ben fell asleep in the car and I was lucky enough to only have to wait about 10 minutes for the oldest machine in all of NH to clear for me. After a couple of false starts (the last time I did this I was in college...20 years ago or so) I got everything going and sat in the car with Ben to wait. Why do they have 23 washers and only 7 dryers???? I will be forever trying to figure that out.
Needless to say, I combined two loads for 30 min in a dryer and then gave up. I stopped at Aubuchon Hardware on the way home and bought one of those accordian drying racks for $35 *choke* and headed home. Hmmmmmmm.......how to dry 4 loads of laundry. The socks and undies went on the rack, the tshirts and pants we hung in our coat closet which is surrounded by the radiant heat pipes and stays a constant 95 degrees, but where to put the rest of the stuff??? OK, some over the lamps, on the vacuum handle, over the backs of the chairs......no, I couldn't do that. Could I? Well why the heck not- it wasn't being used for anything else, certainly! Poor thing was just standing there in the corner begging to feel helpful. So that is what I did. It still feels wrong, but desperation is the mother of invention, yes? I hope it doesn't keep me out of heaven. [Author's note: There is supposed to be a picture of my poor christmas tree covered in laundry here, but for some reason it is not uploading. Arrgh!]

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