Saturday, January 17, 2009

On the Lighter Side

Wish I had my camera to take a movie of Ben and Rebecca yesterday morning. Rachel had left for school and Chad and I were home talking in the living room. Suddenly Rebecca burst out in this HUGE giggle as Ben shouts Peek-a-boo! It was the first time that I can honestly say that they were playing together. Interacting without beating each other up. It was sooooo CUTE!! Ben was behind the long red curtain which frames the slider, and he would poke his head out and yell Peek-a-boo! Rebecca thought it was the best thing she had ever seen. LOL She crawled over and tried to uncover him, then he let her control the curtain and yelled his part when she pulled it away. I tell you, it was ADORABLE! 10 months and 2.5 years. Too cute. Makes my dream of them growing up as good friends seem almost possible!

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