Saturday, May 2, 2009

When it rains....

What a day. Chad is working for about the 11th weekend in a row, Rachel is exhausted but refusing to give up that she wants to be back at Alyssa's house, Ben has a really stuffy nose and has not really eaten anything all day (I know, you are shocked, right?) and Rebecca......poor kid. Apparently Ben took some conditioner out of the playroom shower and poured it into the play kitchen sink with a bowl full of water to try to "wash" his dishes. Wonder where he got that idea (Rachel). Then poor, poor Rebecca comes along, Miss Innocent, and sticks her hands in and -since she is tired- rubs her eyes. Thank goodness Chad was home. Talk about scream!!!! He washed her eyes out while I tried to figure out what was actually in them. (The coconut smell eventually gave it away.) The fisher price kitchen went heave-ho out the back door (guess I don't know my own strength!) and, in the end, Becks is fine. Five minutes later I had everyone in bed, but Ben didn't want to give it up and he cried until he threw up all over the bed. Wonder where he got that idea (Rachel) *joke!* I am decompressing on the net and will then go up to see which bed I will end up in tonight. At least Ben's has fresh sheets!

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