Tuesday, November 17, 2009

God is on my side

OK, this isn't going to be what you expect...but I think that it is worth remembering! The house is a wreck. Now, I know that many of you are not surprised at this, and truthfully I pretty much threw up my hands today and refused to pick up anything as "I wasn't the one who made the mess!" So there! God apparently glanced in my direction today and decided that I needed a little support. So....for the first time in a long time my precious pooch decided that he had a need to pee in the house. And he did. Apparently God gave me the day off today because he foresaw this happening. What do I mean, you ask? Well, the dog peed on a mess of papers that I had refused to pick up and that dandy little pile of trash completely saved the floor! Good doggie! (Thanks, God!)

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