Saturday, February 7, 2009

New Do

Well, I finally gave in and bit the bullet and got my hair cut short as I had been thinking about for a while (a long while). Everyone in the salon loved it, thought that it was great that I was going for it and giving myself a pick-me-up. The stylist was thrilled to cut away the poofy bangs that I had held over from about 1987 and I really felt great!
Then I came home. Ugh. My hubby (who is a BIG fan of long hair) said that it wasn't his preference and my lovely daughter (who shall remain nameless) took a look at it and said that it looked "stupid".....that I looked like a boy and I should go back to being a girl. Ahem. So much for my euphoria! I would post a pic but I am afraid to now, so everyone is going to just have to come see me--and do me a favor, OK? If you hate it, smile and tell me you love it? Thanks!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

No, Christina! Post the picture, please! It may be just the thing you need for a bit of an ego boost. Your family is used to seeing you a particular way, and it will take them a little time to get used to it. But like it or not, this is your hair for now, and you should celebrate that. :) I'm sure they'll come around...and I bet you look fab!