Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Day in Court

Everyone has their day in court, or should have their day in court, or something like that....right? Well, today was mine.
I arrived early wearing a pair of black capris and a turquoise sweater with gold hoop earrings. My nice leather sandals on my feet. I was charged with allowing my dog to run loose which is contrary to RSA something-or-another:II.
Hillsboro Police Officer McCallister came in and asked for anyone from Hillsboro to meet briefly with him. As I came into the room he asked why I was there. I told him that my dog had chased a motorcycle.
He looked at me like he expected me to go on....I shrugged and said, "that's it." "Ah," he said. "The woman with the dog." "That's me" I replied. He pulled out the file folder and opened it on the table. "Chadwick?!" he said. "Yes" I said. *(wheels turning in his brain....* "You don't live on Second NH Turnpike, do you?" he says with a look of confusion. "The one and only" was my reply. He lets out a breath, starts to roll his eyes and he shakes his head like he can't believe that he is the chosen one who has to stand in court and say this idiotic thing about one of Hillsboro's finest citizens (which is very accurate, BTW).
Then he kinda remembers that he is supposed to be more professional than that and says, "OK, why don't you tell me what happened" So I did. And he said "That's it?" And I said, "um hmmm". He said, "it only mentions one day on this warrant. Has it happened since?" "No" He pursed his lips and nodded. "OK, here is what I would like to about we put this on file for 6 months with no fines or other consequences barring any repeat behavior during that time." I gave him a thumbs up. *big smile*
So into court we go. I sit and listen to a drug charge, a drunk driving charge and a failure to pay money due charge. Then they call me to the defendant's table. I stand there as the woman reads the charges against me and the judge says "how do you plead?" At this point Off. McCallister stood and said that he would like to put it on file...yadda, yadda....he then went on to say that he has known "the Chadwicks" for a long time and was sure that we would make sure that it wouldn't happen again. So nice of him to add that in! Gave me a boost for the day :) So the judge agreed and said that that is what he would do, wrote a few things and then told me that I was free to go and to have a good day. I said, "Thank you!" and beat feet! Whew!!!

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