I had a conversation with my son yesterday. It was our first real back-and-forth conversation. Wow! Do I feel good about it. *smile* Here is the content:
I had called my mom. He said hello to her and then, after I hung up, he put his hand flat on his forehead (with his thumb and index finger sticking up), turned his head right and left and said, "Whe Me?" I said, "Grammy went home. She is at her house." He said, "pa?" I said, "Grampa is at his house, too." He then stuck his hand in his back pocket (he had overalls on). He smiled and said, "Paw". I said, "Yes, you have a lot of pockets in those pants, don't you?" He stuck one hand in his back pocket and the other in his front pocket. He looked up at me and said, "Uh, oh, stu-" I replied, "your hands are stuck?" To which he laughed and pulled them out and yelled, "tah dah!!" Too funny that kid! Makes me feel good to know that his language is coming along....Rachel was a late talker, too, so I never really worried about Ben, but it is nice to be able to interact verbally with him. *Satisfied deep breath* How long do you think I have until I am verbally sparing with him?? LOL
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