Monday, September 15, 2008

A Sense of Accomplishment

It is amazing how good it feels to get a big chore off my list. Hubby helped me (OK, he did it and I was his runner- get this, I need that, etc.) to install a runner up the stairs and down our many hallways. 60' of carpet in all. It took a couple hours because we tacked it all down in addition to the cutting, but it looks GREAT! It is black with beige, olive green and maroon accents.
This morning I decided to tackle another issue which has been tumbling around in my mind. I moved the desk out of the playroom, through 2 other rooms and into the kitchen. I am in the process of moving the table that was used as a desk in the kitchen into the playroom. Sounds like an easy swap, right? Well, as I type the table is lodged in the hallway door and the nut holding the leg on won't budge. Of course. But if I ever get this done it will be good, I just know it! (Actually I am living in a fantasy world where I believe that if I am just a smidgeon more organized my kids will be, too, and the house won't get so messy. I am going on year 6 of my fantasy and am still thinking that moving furniture will solve my problems. Hmmmm, I wonder where some chocolate is??) *sigh* OK, I am back to the nut. Wish me luck!

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