Friday, November 5, 2010

When I Grow Up

I brought Rachel up to CHaD in Hanover for her follow-up appt with the ENT and audiologist. She STILL has fluid in the right ear and a mild conductive hearing loss. I was talking to the audiologist and looking at the audiogram and happened to mention that I was a teacher of the Deaf. Or at least I had been. She said, " A T-O-D? Thats great! They are really in need of T-O-D's in NH. I has always thought of myself as a teacher, not a T, but OK! It was then that I realized that maybe I could have my cake AND eat it too! How about being a T-O-D on MWF and a historian/curator on TTH? Hmmmmmm! That just might work!!
I have been typing up a storm ever since trying to find places where I can polish up my rusty ASL and find workshops to get my 35 ceu's to get my certification back. I am really excited!! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

ItsLiz said...

that is just sooooooooooo awesome ...