Just wanted to post a few of Becca's favorte words/habits to remember:(she is 18 months)
Tink you!
She loves to dance and
ROAR to the Dinosaurs song by Laurie Berkner.
She wants to rock in the rocker for a couple minutes and snuggle before you put her
down to bed.
She is already trying to take her clothes off all the time.
She loves the water and will race you to the shower in the morning.
When I count to three for behavior mod for the other kids, she counts to three with me (one, two, threeeeeeeeee!) Thanks, Becca. Big help *rolls eyes*
She weighed 29 lbs and was 36.25 inches tall at her appt. last week. WOW!
She wears 24mos/2T clothes and size 6-7 shoes.
She is my sugar plum.
Anything Ben can do, she will try to do just as well.
She likes to stand on the coffee table and do trust falls forward into your arms (but she doesn't always wait for you to be looking!! Yikes!)
She refuses to wear a diaper and has been in pull-ups for a month.
She asks for her vitamin every morning and would eat toothpaste if you let her.
Her smile lights up her face and the whole room. Just beautiful!
She bites. (Gotta take the good with the bad, right?)
She tries to answer the phone and has had so much success that I had to put it in a cabinet!
She is gentle with the dog and when she calls him and claps her hands he comes.
She loves "this little piggie" and "trot trot to Boston" and will have you play them over and over and over......
She is my littlest princess and I love her and am so glad she calls me Mom. <3