Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ya Should Have Heard Me

OMG there is nothing like a good friend to get you out of a bad mood. To say that I have been overwhelmed recently may be a bit of an understatement. When Jody called to say that she and Paula were coming up on Monday it was pretty much the straw that broke the camel's back. She could hear the stress in my voice as I told her, "Great. Can't wait." and thought about how I now had to find the time to clean the house in between finishing the billing, building the float for the parade, etc., etc.
On Monday they arrived. It really was great! The parade was over, the checks were pouring in and all my bills had been paid. The house wasn't nearly as neat as I would have liked it, but I was finally in a good mood. We had a really nice visit. Thank God for old friends.
Now onto the adventure......It was lunch time and one of the things I hadn't fit in was grocery shopping, so we ordered pizza. Jody graciously dangled the keys to her brand new black LeSabre convertible and suggested that they would stay with the kids and I could go and pick up lunch.
Picture it. I couldn't get out fast enough. I move the seat back, adjust the mirrors, run my fingers through my hair...I am ready to roll. Down Saw Mill Road I go, through the light at 202 and pull into Yanni's lot. I am styling! This was how it should be. Ohhh yeeeaaaaah.
I get the pizzas (surprise, three free soda's, too!) It is all good. I lean over and place the food on the passenger seat (kinda nice having the top down) and go around to take my place in the driver's seat (In my mind I weigh 150 and am only 23 years old). I am just preening away like an idiot. I grab the handle and the door is locked. LOL! It is a convertible with the top down! So I use the key ( I know, old fashioned, but I don't have a remote on my van so that is what I am used to) to unlock it. Plunk, unlocked. I grab the handle and Holy Guacamole!!! Whoot! Whoot! Whoot! Lights flashing, horn beeping, people I the cool one, or what?!?
I fumble around with the remote and looked confused as I didn't see how I could have pushed the panic button. But I must have, right?... so I push it again to turn it off. WHOOT! WHOOT! WHOOT! faster now with the lights flashing and people starting to look at me like "turn it off already!" I am clueless! I push the panic button again and it goes back to 'whooting' at a slower pace...isn't that so much better??!?
So an older gentleman comes out of Dunkin Donuts and takes pity on me. "Um...I think you have to get in and turn it on and then it will stop." Fabulous! I hop in and start it up. Vroooooom! Woulda sounded sweet if some idiot's car alarm wasn't going off LMBO. So I am now thinking of all the ways I can string Jody up for not telling me that the car was alarmed. I'm sitting there in the seat watching the reflection of the headlights and flashers blinking in Yanni's window. Oh yeah, I am cool all right! Good thing Hillsboro is a big city and I am an unknown around here. At that point I burst out laughing. Now that I was through the shock, it was down right funny. I shrugged at the good samaritan, put the car in gear (can you believe it drove like that?!?) and pulled out of the lot onto W. Main St. WHooT, WHooT, WHooTing all the way. Don't cha know I had to stop for the red light at McD's. People were pulling over thinking I was a volunteer firefighter, people were waving and a few even threw in a few beeps of their own. I laughed all the way up Saw Mill Rd.
Jody said that I am not ready for a convertible yet :( Oh well, There's always next time! *chuckles*


Mbdiamond said...

Thankyou for the opportunity to LMFAO!!

TOO funny!

Lisa said...

You have MADE MY DAY!!! :D That is a GREAT story, Christina!