Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Interesting design

God has to be a man. Seriously. My son, the beloved boy, decided to suddenly run around for an hour or two without a diaper the other day. This from the kid who hated to be without a shirt up until January. Of course I ran with it and brought out the potty and encouraged him to sit on it and asked him every 5 minutes if he had to pee, etc., etc.
But really. God was obviously in engineering mode when he designed men. I know that it is very functional. I understand that it works well from the sensory perspective. But seriously. The little dangly looks...well...ridiculous! It is like a train wreck...you don't really want to look at it, but you can't turn away. As a female you can't help wondering what it must feel like to have it jiggling around when you run. Bizarre. There is really nothing visually appealing about it, the sad little sack.
Good thing my son has beautiful eyes!

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